Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Most of Mel B’s friends, plus her own mother, are hoping that rumors about Mel and her husband Stephen “Belafonte” splitting up are TRUE! Since Melanie married her con man over two years ago, her friends have been praying she’d come to her senses. After all, it turned out Stephen has criminal records in San Diego, New Jersey, and Los Angeles – – mostly for assault and battery on wives and girlfriends, with a few credit card and eviction problems thrown in. He tried to pass himself off as Harry Belafonte’s son, but his real last name is Stansbury. Not only that, but he cheats and chases other women every time Mel turns her back. Unfortunately, Mel is addicted to his hot lovin’ so she’s been blind to his defects. The couple was out the other night, but refused to talk about their relationship.

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  1. It is kind of a well know fact that they are “SWINGERS”, so I don’t buy the cheating angle. I really don’t think she sees anything in him except the love of swinging and sex addiction they both have. She has stated that she has sex many times a day, and this is the only man that can keep up with her appetite. Maybe it is true that bald men aren’t really bald, they just lose their hair to make room for their “solar sex panel”. Oh, Oh, I am trying to be comedic like “Indy” sorry, my bad. One thing is for sure though he is one nasty lookin’ man.

  2. Her preference is women….she eats pussy early and often…he is just some lighter skinned icing on the cake.

  3. dump this sucker before she herself will be “Locked Up”!!

  4. Got a chance to meet Mel B in Las Vegas and she’s pretty in person and very nice. Her husband has that way about him that he’s a freeloader. Don’t see this marriage going on to much longer.

  5. If her preference is women, why doesn’t she stick to women and call it a day? I think it would be a lot more respectable than dragging this useless waste around playing pretend. You could smell the bullshit from their photos.

  6. Maybe with the exception of Melanie C, the Spice Girls were and are a bunch of idiot losers. They made millions, but have frittered away much of it. Their solo projects have proven how talentless and boring they are. And their personal lives have been a mess (eating disorders, bad romantic attachments, etc.). Girl Power my ass! Pathetic!!!

  7. Doesn’t she have like 3 children by three different men? Poor Mel… yeah right. They deserve each other.

  8. I’ve known these two for years, knew him a few years before he hooked up with her even. The stories of his criminal past are all true from killing animals to bouncing checks to slapping around the women in his life. An all around evil user. He’s the son of a drug pusher, and not a Belafonte by any stretch. She likes to go both ways from all that I’ve seen and he has always been a willing cover for her. Does it count as cheating when they both bang a buxom blonde together from separate ends? She has about 2 minutes of fame left and should wise up, save up and at last turn toward being a suitable mom to her kids. He is a manipulative, psychotic, delusional fucktard wannabe who rides the coattails of a former Pop Tart appropriately made famous in part by her girl group’s hit single “Wannabe.”

  9. Bluejay, yeah, sure. Isn’t she? Her pop career was pathetic. And she is marries to a whipped Mickey-Mouse-voiced footballer who is one of the most over-rated people in sports history.

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