
It appears that even the youngest “Kardashian,” Kylie Jenner, is assuming that insufferable attitude of superiority prevalent in her family. Her relatives scramble desperately to be rich and famous but they find it terribly inconvenient when paparazzi appear. Kylie thinks she cannot even walk to her car in broad daylight without an escort to block the photographers! Poor little thing. (Above, she’s hiding behind huge sunglasses, leaving a hair salon)

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Stupid costume and getup but her mother is happy…as she comes of age she can dress like a street whore and have sex with BLACKS and help carry on the Kardashian tradition.

  2. They’re insufferable, all of them. Some of our friends are leaving Calabasas and moving up to Agoura or Westlake or Thousand Oaks, because they feel like the ktrashians have turned Calabasas into their own creepy kingdom. You can’t go anywhere without running into one of them, they don’t wait in any lines, they don’t want to pay for anything (want a steep discount or free), their cars block traffic whevever they go (god forbid one of them park in an actual parking place and walk!), they have their paid horde of papz follow them around, and then claim they need to block traffic or something becuz of the papz? They do get flipped off a lot, and I have seen people try to block their movements like they do to us. They have definitely worn out their welcome and I know people who claim they pray everyday for their kraptastic show to fail. The irony is that you see real celebs, rock stars and movie stars all the time and they don’t act like that. They park their cars, get out, walk into the stores or the coffee shops, get in line and pay for stuff like the rest of us. But these reality trash think their gods or something. It is very infuriating. I grew up in Westlake, so we might move ourselves.

  3. LOL! I didn’t even notice that guy, so annoyed at the little K brat. God, what a get up. Klassy folk aren’t they?

  4. Do you think she may be having pre-marital relations with that young man?

    I sure hope not. She needs to focus on finding a nice young, pure gentleman, being engaged and then marriage before thinking about any intercourse before the wedding.

    If that is not the route she is taking, then, I disapprove.

  5. Is she the one that wrecked the car right after she got it or was it the other Jenner spawn? Such a misplaced sense of entitlement yet did they ever have a chance with PMK?

  6. Why write about the same stuff everyday? She did this with Amy Winehouse also.

  7. Let me add, Bruce Jenner is NOT her father. Kris went out a-cheatin’ on Bruce when Kylie was conceived and figured he wouldn’t notice that the kid doesn’t look at all like him.

  8. That girl is not pretty at all. She thinks she is and acts just like Kim, but she didn’t get blessed with beauty.

  9. Sarah, your idea of “pre marital relations” and “intercourse before wedding” is so foreign to the Kardashians as to be from another century or galaxy.

    Kim Kardashian shows no shame in having multiple BLACK sexual partners, most or all whom have been quickly offered the opportunity of oral and anal, as well as vaginal sex with her before she hardly knew what their real name, as opposed to their ghetto moniker, was. This behavior seems to have been condoned by her mother and is most likely passed on to the younger sisters as a coming of age ritual.

    Kardashians go BLACK at the first opportunity and this looks likely not to change.

  10. Sarah,

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the momager coached Kylie on ‘what you said’. After all, if she got knocked up, ….well, so what, it would be good PR for their show. And that is all that really matters to the entire K Klan.

  11. Is she still in high school? You never hear anything about education with “that” family.

  12. PimpMamaKris let these girls drop out of high school and “home schooled” them. I’m sure that is quite an education.

  13. I’m tired of this whole family and their attitude of entitlement. This chick isn’t even that pretty, yet she’s a “model,” because of her family name.

  14. She’s like the rest of that skanky family…. A legend in her own mind! This bunch makes me sick! I never thought about another spawn of Kris’s having an unknown sperm donor. It makes perfect sense considering how unfortunate looking she is!

  15. Kim and it seems Kylie, as well, shows no shame in having multiple BLACK sexual partners, most or all whom have been quickly offered the opportunity of oral and anal, as well as vaginal sex with her before she hardly knew what their real name, as opposed to their ghetto moniker, was. This behavior seems to have been condoned by her mother and is most likely passed on to the younger sisters as a coming of age ritual.

    Kardashians go BLACK at the first opportunity and this looks likely not to change.

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