Love him or hate him, this guy is a loudmouth who doesn’t hesitate to tell it like he sees it- but there’s one thing he NEVER talks about: his prostate problem. Long story short: he LEAKS! He likes to project an image of macho virility, but under his custom made suits are custom made “diapers.” He’s VERY self-conscious and has absorbent but undetectable “panty liners” sewn into all his underwear, to avoid wet spots. Thanks to his arrogant behavior, he has more than a few enemies and he’s terrified his secret will be exposed and he’ll be forever ridiculed!

About The Author

15 thoughts on “HOLLYWOOD WHODUNIT

  1. Oh please, oh please please please – heck, I already know, it’s tRump! I know he’s fecally incontinent, I’ve seen photos of his massive khaki buttt, heaving off of a golf cart, besmirched. It’s tRump! I just know it.

  2. What is the update? I didn’t see one.
    If it is him, how come she didn’t mention that in her book?

  3. oward Stern, he’s a loudmouth with custom made suits and a lot of enemies.

  4. Obviously it’s Ryan Seacrest. His condition is due to his immoral and disgraceful lifestyle.

  5. I would think this person stinks too…who wants to walk around in a wet diaper?

  6. It is the brown-stained orange moron in the white house. The diapers are clearly visible when he wears (immense) light colored golfing trousers. Search out the picture where he is walking with his overseas marital acquisition.

  7. hmmm… could be Arnold or Sly, but they’re not really jerks – they appear to have some manners even if they are cheaters. Perhaps it’s Bruce Willis.

  8. Maybe someone over here can bring me the smelling salts and a cold compress. I’ve fallen down and can’t get up!

  9. This is daft. Why do you keep doing it and never reporting to whom you refer. If it is true, you can say so. How are we to believe anything else on your site? I think I’ll go back to news sites. And please, fix the sentence below “submit comment”. And this is NOT inappropriate. But are you respectable enough to publish a dissenting opinion? We’ll see.

  10. Is a loudmouth who doesn’t hesitate to tell it like he sees it- Sounds like Simon Cowell.

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