Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

“Sherlock Holmes” director Guy Ritchie took two of his sons, Rocco, 12, and David, 7, to the opening of “The Making of Harry Potter” tour at Warner Brothers Studios in the UK. Guy also has a one year old son with his girlfriend Jacqui Ainsley. He’s not longer involved in Kabbalah, but his two sons who live with his exwife Madonna are being raised in the cultish religion. (Did you know that when Madonna pulled guy into Kabbalah she successfully pressured him in to getting circumcized?)

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  1. What a trio of nice looking men!

    Glad to see that someone has grown wise to Madonna’s cash cow cult! It’s too bad Mr. Ritchie had to sacrifice soooo very much, before he realized that this religion was a fallacy.

  2. David is only 7? He looks like a little man! Rocco looks very much like his mother. I even think I see a hint of gapped teeth.

  3. Since Guy was in Kabbalah and disenchanted with it, he probably wants the 2 boys out of it. But he may be afraid of the wicked bitch of the west – afraid to try to get the boys out of the cult. I think everyone is afraid of Vadge, she seems to be not of this world and infected with a host of demon spirits. Just look at her actions and activities…..all bad bad bad.

  4. Fuck Guy Richie and his corny movies. He should thank the lucky stars maddona gave him the time of day because what studio would have given him the time of day to make several bad movies? Good for Madonna she demanded a circumsion from here his dick look small. Madonna maybe a bitch but obviously she was soft and pink when she decided to marry him.

  5. Ouch! I hope he had total sensory deprivation and back up drugs during the procedure.

  6. that’s why the boy’s will lose in the end…….

  7. Hard to tell if Rocco will be a looker or not. David looks a bit like a devil.

  8. Although I do not belong, it must be made clear that Kabbalah is neither a religion nor a cult. Do a little research before you describe it that way.

  9. The black kid looks like trouble. He has a tude on his face.

  10. Guy let himself be circumsized? Shame on Madonna! now it is official…I hate her!

  11. Always suspected Madonna was the man of the house LOLOL.

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