Ryan O’Neal wants the women of Los Angeles to know that his is now officially available for dating. (In fact, he was seen sweet talking a woman over dinner at Mastro’s recently) And there’s a bonus – his lucky dates are likely to appear on his new reality series on Oprah’s OWN network. Ryan and his daughter Tatum both want to be on TV so badly that they’re willing to try and get along while doing a show based on their reconciliation called “Lost & Found.” (If you recall, Ryan didn’t recognize Tatum at Farrah’s funeral and hit on her!) The series will feature both of them in much-needed therapy sessions and also their respective dating lives. Hence the opportunity to date Farrah’s ex.

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  1. Ok, Ryan is hardly Farrah’s X. He’s her late boyfriend. And I think it is brilliant he’s looking for new love. He’s been through hell. BTW, Tatum, looks as old as Papa does, and she’s only a few years older than I am. Lay off the Boxtox, honey, and the hard drugs. It Shows! (She actually used to be pretty.)

  2. We just watched Tatum’s late mother Joanna Moore in “The Hindenburg” (1975). A very solid film with George C. Scott and Anne Bancroft. Amazing how much Tatum looks like her Ma as the years go by.

    And it looks like Ryan’s getting some of his good looks back, after a long time on the skids. At one time he had the most perfect natural physique in Hollywood.

    See “What’s Up Doc?” and you’ll agree. 🙂

  3. Ew, something creepy about these 2. I recall Tatum once accused her dad of sexually abusing her. Then he hits on her at his ex’s funeral. She also said her Dad is the “Love of her life”. Ugh!! Kind of reminds me a little of Mackezie Phillips. Just sayin’.

  4. I agree, there is something creepy about Tatum. I don’t buy the “Daddy sexually abused me” crap. Tatum stikes me as a real nut job and control freak. She did not care for Farrah dating her Dad, well, it was not her relationship now, was it? And all the horrid things John, Tatum’s ex has to say about her, I wished she would just vanish. Tatum just needs to leave Daddy, ALONE!

  5. The fact that he tried to pick up his own daughter at Farrah’s funeral (the alleged love of his life) tells us all we need to know. Wasn’t there a rumor he was screwing Alana Hamilton while Farrah was dying? I think the only reason he played the “love of my life” crap was to try and get back in the public eye. He totally messed up all his kids, drug addicts and felons. What a loser he is.

  6. Well, clearly I’m in the minority in believing that the “Ryan hit on his own daughter” story was largely embellished if not completely made up.

    Why? Because Ryan was the one who originally told it—in a, “Oh I’m such an incorrigible scamp,” kind of way. Methinks he wanted to reconnect with his cocksman image after the sobering reality of Farrah’s death.

    Granted, he has effed-up his family with a capital “F,”but that he would fail to recognize Tatum beggars belief IMHO.

  7. By the way, if you’ve never seen “Paper Moon,” find it. It’s a PERFECT film and Tatum’s Academy Award for it was well-deserved—even if Ryan has never forgiven her for it.

    (And if you’re a Madeline Kahn fan, it’s her best performance, too.)

  8. Poll: Who’s crazier?

    The O’Neils
    The Sheens
    The Lohans
    The Jacksons?

  9. He sexually abused his own daughter and this is true. Makes me sick. But this is how Hollywood works. Not for the faint of heart!

  10. Any gal who dates him should first take a course in self-defense **or** be sure never to made him angry.

  11. Ryan is getting his looks back?! He’s getting William Shatner’s looks back.
    I believe everything Tatum says about him. He’s a drunken violent sleaze who used Farrah’s death as a way back into the tabloid headlines.

  12. Who wants to adopt and take care of an elderly foul mouth violent physical abuser people!?

  13. I remember that Tatum and others have remarked that Ryan was mentally and physically (smack, slap and punch) his children. I don’t recall reading about the sexual abuse part. I wasn’t aware of that.
    Regardless, he cares only about himself. I am surprised his children are still living given the horrible way they grew up. Indeed there was a time when he was the golden boy of hollywood and he was indeed handsome. However, I don’t think some celebrities are ever equipped to handle the fickle world of hollywood. They can’t be on top forever.

  14. Monah, even if he did make up the story (and wasn’t it Tatum that told it, not him?), what kind of father would even make a joke about his own daughter that way?

  15. Well, let’s see. If they are willing to tell us everything; I’d rather see this freak show Hollywood family on the airwaves than the Kartrashians—-their 15 minutes should be up by now.

    This is one big fat family mess of a trainwreck that I doubt I could pass up…..and wouldn’t Oprah’s new network DEMAND total authenticity in this “show?”

  16. Ryan O’Neal wants the women of Los Angeles to know that his is now officially available for dating.

    And the women of Los Angeles replied in unison: Ewwwwww

  17. This guy is a PIG! He slept with his daughter’s friends when she was a teenager. He was jelous of his ten year old because she won an oscar. He beat up his son. All of his children have drug problems. He was fcuking Farrah’s best friend while she was on her death bed. This guy has no redeeming qualities. Who would want to date him???

  18. Alana Stewart wouldn’t touch that gas bag with a ten foot pole.

  19. Ive read Tatum’s memoir and I also do not recall Tatum writing about sexual abuse at the hands of her father.

    Tatum did confirm her father was emotionally distant and abusive to his children.

    Oneill was attractive in his youth but the outside has caught up with the inside- he is hideous inside and out. I’m not interested in watching a program about his romantic life.

  20. Sounds like a bad idea for a show and I predict fast cancellation. I agree with the rest of you in the assessment of Ryan being a scumbag who ruined ALL of his kids. But I loved Paper Moon with him and the darling Tatum at 10 years old. She truly stole the show and was incredible. What a colossal shame Hollywood didn’t find other good roles for such a brilliant child, the best young talent since Shirley Temple. She more than deserved that Oscar. I feel so sorry for her life the way it turned out. I hope her own kids are good and healthy.

  21. Palermo, I think you’re absolutely right—and when you consider that Tatum evidently went along with the gag it’s even more telling.


    Tatum and her brother Griffin (who years later would be implicated in the death of Giancarlo Coppola and whose front teeth would eventually be knocked out by Ryan), wash up on Ryan’s doorstep—essential orphans—when their mother, Joanna Moore, bedeviled by drugs and alcohol is unable to care for them.

    Ryan was in no way enabled to be a father to these kids; they had nowhere else to go.

    But in time, Tatum and Ryan work together in Paper Moon—a bravura performance by both in which they play father and daughter—and Tatum wins an Academy Award.

    Over the years Tatum witnesses a succession of some of the most beautiful and prominent women in 70’s Hollywood rotate through her father’s bedroom. None last very long.

    Enter Farrah Fawcett. Ryan “falls in love.”

    Farrah knows she’s fighting a losing battle and never grows close to Tatum, who eventually marries a preening, volatile, narcissistic (not to mention Irish) superstar—sound familiar?—and moves east.

    Years pass and eventually, through years of drug abuse, Tatum is effectively removed from the role of mother in her children’s lives; a repeat of her own history growing up.

    More years pass and lo and behold you have an alleged flirtation/hitting-on/whatever between father and daughter and reconciliation at the FUNERAL of the woman the daughter blames for separating her from her father and his love way back when.

    Man! Can one reality show support all the baggage these two O’Neals bring to the table? Makes me glad I don’t own a TV! 🙂

    (And “Seriously?”—your comment made me smile; I only meant that it looks like he’s geting his weight under control, but I can’t argue with the Shatner comparison.)

  22. Monah, loved loved loved your post! Most interesting. Thanks for the good read, and I loved “Seriously’s” comment comparing him to Shatner as well. The both of them look as tho they would blast around the room backwards at warp speed if only somone yanked the corks outa their asses!

  23. Thanks, Reta—nice of you to overlook my typos and syntax—I type too fast for grammar. 😉

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