Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
The Situation just can’t get enough attention in Italy, so he wore a t-shirt sure to attract some glances. In spite of the Mayor’s dire warnings, the populace of Florence, Italy, seems fascinated by the American reality stars and follow the Jersey Shore group around like puppies. Every time they walk down the street a huge procession forms behind them. So far they’ve only been seen shopping and eating in the daytime – no nighttime hijinks yet.
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UUugh!! Enough of these twits already.
Ever been to Florence in spring? I was there last May, and the place is full of tourists. All those people following them around probably have no idea who these kids are, and are paying attention only because of the camera crews.
Maybe the American tourists are excited but believe me, people in Florence abhor this rubbish and the ‘stars’.
With any luck and Indy’s “God” on our side, these morons will fall in a canal and no one will fish them out. Please, Italy, give them tons of booze and aim them towards the nearest dank and dark place and then give them a good hard SHOVE!
his nervous breakdown is scheduled for spring next year, folks!!
Wonder how many negative comments it’ll take for Janet to get the hint that her readers DO NOT CARE about the Jersey Shore PUNKS.
Ka-Ween! I go to the gym and see his type all of the time. Closet cases roid heads.
It is sad to think that someone (like the Situation) would want their hair to look that way. How tacky that he would lumber around in those nasty yellow warm ups while others are in shorts or big boy pants.
Dimes is right.
If the camera crews weren’t there… no one would even notice these losers. And btw, the JS girls are looking ROUGH. woof
I’m slightly embarassed that Italians will think these knuckleheads are representative of this country.
I dont care what he looks like, the fact that he’s smoking is whats disgusting. GYM, tan, laundry and smoking? Doesnt make sense…why go to the gym if you smoke… gross.
Where ever they have been in Italy, they should have an army of volunteers to wash and disinfect everything they came in contact with.