We thought it was just US when we couldn’t force ourselves to get interested in NBC’s The Million Second Quiz. Heaven knows we TRIED. Host Ryan Seacrest described it as “The phenomenon that’s sweeping the country!” And why not – a live game show with loads of money floating around should be dramatic at least. But this show, which annoyed us with its rules and gimmicks night after night, was so confusing and nonsensical that we gave up early on. It was described as a “challenge of trivia and endurance.” The audience did NOT endure. Ratings went down, down, down, down, despite the fact that Ryan Seacrest tweeted like a madman to lure viewers. Mercifully, the finale airs this Thursday. There’s something to be said for simplicity.(Above, Ryan and the Money Chair)
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ryan seacreast was ‘mentored’ by dick clark and he wants to BE him….he is the idiot responsible for ‘keeping up with the kardashians’……this show is and was BULLSHIT anyway…..and it’s no skin off his mega rich nose that’s for sure…
only dumb people gamble………….
There has to be a special spot in hell for him for foisting the Kartrashians upon the world.
You couldn’t pay me to watch this narcissistic little twerp!
This program was the most complicated , least interesting and miserably construed ‘quiz show’ I’ve ever seen. God , it was so awful— who could possibly follow how it was played ! And the the nerve to put that twat Seacrest in charge??? Hang Seacrest and the fool that thought this mess worthy….. I hear it was a UK show originally….was it really this bad over there???