Nobody’s been scrutinizing Lisa Marie Presley’s tummy for a potential pregnancy and wouldn’t you know it – the Enquirer says she is expecting a baby. Apparently Lisa suffered a miscarriage when she married her current husband Michael Lockwood two years ago and she’s justifiably nervous about expecting again at the age of 40. We’re not thrilled about the prospect of having another Scientologist brought into the world, but maybe the kid will be as cute as her model daughter Riley. (above right)

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  1. And Scientology can cure everything, so they say. Can they cure Priscilla of her never ending numerous and continuing bad plastic surgeries? Can they cure Michael Lockwood of basically being an unknown? Can they cure LisaMarie of being a latent dope-head and a lousy wanna-be singer? Can they cure Riley of her downward spiral of men, booze, partying? No No No No. Can they get their hooks immediately into the new kid. Most definitely.

  2. Remember the last years of Elvis and the years right after his death? When everybody was saying how crazy he was? Well, compared to this sorry herd of Adam’s Family wannabes, Elvis would be the voice of reason! To think, the King actually turned DOWN the recruters for Scientology back in the day! He may have had that fugly jungle room in his house, but he could still recognize even bigger crap in the shape of the cult Scientology! And to call Lisa Marie a singer in any shape or form is a huge insult to real talents. She’s pitiful.

  3. I live 14 miles from Graceland. This really happened, and I am still re-living it in my mind. My Mom and I were allowed to walk up the winding drive to the front porch of the house one afternoon. On the porch holding a tiny poodle was E’s mom, Gladys Love Presley. My outgoing Mom started talking to her, and we told her how much we admired her son. She got teary-eyed and said..(almost word for word)…”Thank you. I pray for him always and I know I taught him right. He may slip up a little but I know he has Christian roots from when he was a little boy”…
    I believe E is in heaven because he loved his mom, the Christian church and gospel music. He may not get large rewards in heaven, because he went a little wayward. He knew enough from his mom not to fall for the lies and demonic influence of this unspeakably evil cult of Scientology. If he were here, he would speak to all 4 of those mentioned above in the article and tell them to GET THE HELL OUT OF SCIENTOLOGY. IT IS THE ROAD TO HELL.

  4. Why don’t they wipe the vampire make-up off their eyes? Geez, they look horrible.

  5. Sistine: Indeed, you are correct. Scientology is the road to damnation. Google Sci and the founder L. Ron Hubbard. Those in it are incredibly stupid.

  6. Priscilla was absolutely gorgeous at one time. She has to know how bad she looks now. If she would just change the makeup and hair, she would at least look normal.

  7. AND, change that funny shaped top lip, with lipstick liner and filled in with hideous black/red lipstick. She should wear pale, pale peach. And, as already stated, do away with that horrible hair-do and color. Dye it a brownish blonde, cut off about 2 inches, and put some curl in it.

  8. The kid will have to follow Scientology or be cut out of millions. Just like Tom Cruise’s, Travolta’s, Kirstie Alley’s…..

  9. Maybe if Elvis would have been a Scientologist he’d still be around today. If anything he wouldn’t have done the drugs that eventually killed him.

  10. Janet, I’d be more afraid of the ‘mainstream’ shopping mall sized church down the road then I ever would be of Scientology. The evangelists are much more dangerous in my opinion. They even try to run guys like Mike Huckabee for president.

  11. Okay, it gave me a big little migraine behind my eyes when i looked at this fugtastic uglyness that is this picture.
    Priscilla presley has one blue eye and one brown eye. The eye on the left is blue from a colored contact. Marilyn Manson must be her personal fashion icon psychotic drag queen.

  12. Other than being a mom she has lead an obscure, tragic life of rich child elitism that bars anyone from becoming intimate friends with her, or allows her to fully use her talent.

  13. I just hope the baby will be okay and happy, and that if it ever needs medication for a life-threatening illness (physical or mental) he or she will be allowed to take it in order to survive and flourish. I see people like the Presleys (Elvis excluded), Tom Cruise and John Travolta as being prisoners of Scientology. How come, if people bust into cults and grab their kids and take them to deprogrammers, we are letting the Scientologists keep their hooks into our favourite stars? Shouldn’t SWAT teams, a la Waco, Texas, be storming the compound to rescue these people? Or do authorities not care because they don’t like rich people? I say we save them now!!

  14. What an awful picture. Too much make up on Lisa and her daughter; too much cosmetic surgery for Priscilla. They all look like they could haunt houses.

  15. PLEASE…….Google Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard and Dianetics. Those caught up in this are so brain-washed it is unreal. It is worse than any cult on this earth and will lead to hell. It is true that there are many problems in evangelical mega-churches, but they do not send your soul to hell to burn forever with L. Ron Hubbard, who committed suicide.

  16. They look like spawn of Dracula. Elvis is turning in his grave, and this photo makes me uncomfortable, Priscilla looks like a mess. Whatever happened to class and style, sigh…

  17. I know for a fact 2 women have died as a result of being members of Scientology. They were sent to a doctor who is into Sci. He prescribed heavy doses of Vitamin B complex and folic acid to ‘cleanse them’. One died and one lingered for 3 months.

  18. It’s strange. They’re all beautiful women, but the heavy eyelinr and brows and pale skin make them look like vampires.

  19. Heck, this is a photo from a few months back when all the cool people went to see the Eagles reunion~~ all the top celebrities showed up for that concert, including the above. So of cicourse they had to look cool~~ there were even rumours then of Lisa Marie being enceinte, bien sur!!

  20. If i were to give this portrait a title, i would call it “Gilded Misery”.

  21. They look like vampires in need of prozac, That or this is an ad to bring back the Adams family, just ewww

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