No sooner did Elton John become a father than he bought his new baby Zachary an apartment of his own! When Elton and his partner David Furnish are in Los Angeles they live at the deluxe Sierra Towers high rise building with wraparound city views. Theirs is a large two bedroom 3 bath unit and they bought the smaller apartment next door where they parked little Zachary and round the clock nannies. Whether they have a connecting door is not known, but certainly now they won’t be disturbed by a crying baby. It’s estimated that Elton paid around a million dollars for the surrogate baby – including lawyers and paying the surrogate mother to never go public. Zachary the million dollar baby now has his own two million dollar apartment.
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Hmmmm. I also read that Elton and his partner are “contractually obligated” to keep in touch with the birth mother until (at least) the child is two.
But what if at some point down the line the birth mother decides that she wants more money—and her baby’s deep-pocketed Daddy is the best place to find some?
Not sure whether the laws have kept up with the whole baby-selling industrial complex—which evidently is expanding rapidly.
You can tell Elton is the wife in the relationship what with the dowdy, matronly suit. A string of pearls would be more suitable instead of the medallion.
How sick that these 2 sissies have to have nannies to look after the baby!!
What is the point? How do you possibly bond with a child completely if you have nannies looking after the child through the difficult times. Sounds a little “diva-ish” to me. I want a child I just don’t want to look after it. What tha f&$k?????
Muffin Top – I agree with you, part of parenting is all the crying, nappy changing, skin touching – bonding that is so very important, particularly in the first few years of life.
Although I have times when I wish I could afford team of nannies to have on hand.
With most adoptions, the parents can’t be more than 40 years older than the child.
Elton John is too old to adopt an infant! When that child graduates high school, he’ll be in his 80’s if he is still alive. That is so unfair to a child.
These two men didn’t want a baby. They liked the idea of having a baby. When you have a baby, you have to take the good with the bad.
When you get tired or when the baby is crying, you don’t send the baby to his apartment with the nanny so you can take a nap. They haven’t a clue about being parents.
They want to play at being parents. When they don’t want to pay any longer, off the baby goes with the nanny until they want to play again.
Million Dollar Baby!!
the truth and nothing but the truth.
I agree that neither of these guys have a clue about parenting but then most people don’t. Babies don’t come with instruction booklets. Having a nanny may be helpful to these two and let’s face it, if you could afford it, who wouldn’t want a nanny to help out? Also, I’m not sure of how much I believe of this story. I read another where it said they had already taken him back home to England.
I think it’s pretty sick when a baby is the new accessory. You buy a baby and then buy an apartment for him/her?
These two should have settled on a Chatty Cathy doll. Easy to shut her up and you can throw her in a closet when you get bored.
Maybe they should have adopted a puppy. It sounds like that would be more their speed than a human being.
Sad.. their dogs get more love and attention.. this was a big mistake..
I think this is horrible. What is the point of adopting a baby then putting it in a separate apartment to be cared for by others? They shouldn’t even adopt a dog if they don’t want to care for it themselves. What a selfish pair. I guess they felt “entitled” to have a baby.
Its morally wrong to legally deny a child a mother for selfish reasons. How can anyone with a conscious think this is ok? God help that innocent little baby. SMDH.
Well, the 2 fags have been all over the world, seen most everything and ahem…done most everything. The only thing left was adopt a kid. And it’s simple: when the nanny cleans up Zach and he’s all nice and sweet-smelling, she will summon the 2 daddies into the nursery for an hour or two of googoo gaga. Then they’re off again until the next appointed time. I hope all the nannies need to be off one full and they’re forced to change a diaper and the little rugrat gives them a fountain in the face. lol
To Anon1
When you put your child up for adoption, you lose all of your legal rights as a mother. That’s the whole point of adoption. You are no longer the mother and someone else is the legal parent. It is perfectly OK because it could become very messy if the biological parent kept coming in and out the child’s life. Also in some adoptions, the courts have terminated the biologial parents rights becuase of drugs, jail, abuse and worse.
If you want to maintain contact with your child then you put them into foster care not up for adoption.
I hope this is not true. I feel sorry for little Zack already.
That’s Fd up in more ways than one.
the boy hates FAGGOTS already?
Elton is a rude vile pig.
I don’t know about the “adoption” aspect of this. I read that one of them is the biological father.
I’m sure one of them used their sperm to inseminate the birth mother. And I agree with pretty much all of the comments posted here, except for the comments such as Indy made using the very nasty comment calling them “fags”. That kind of crap is completely unnessessary Indy, and you being a so-called “Christian” I espiecially find it appalling that you choose name calling and toxic terms in this day and age when your “God” preaches acceptance and love of all humans. Yopu must have missed that sermon in Sunday school, huh? I wonder what Elton and his husband would call YOU?
They paid LESS than a million, which INCLUDED money to keep the surrogate from ever going public?
Nah…she’ll be back in their pockets soon. Or she’ll write a book. I can’t imagine any number under a million would be enough to keep her quiet forever.
You wouldn’t know but you people know whats going on in their homes, you’re all a bunch of gossip loud mouths. Get a life, if you had the money to get help and do everything these men are doing for that child, youd do the same. You dont know what goes on in their home, that child has everything he’ll ever need and more. 2 fathers that will love and protect him, a mother he’ll grow up knowing and nannies he’ll grow up knowing as aunties.