Elizabeth Taylor is looking for a few good men. To staff her new home in Hawaii, that is. Liz is mad about the atmosphere and weather in Hawaii and has told friends this is where she wants to die. She bought a splendid house in Hawaii Kai which is a very posh area of Honolulu, right on the beach. She’s been hiring staff – mostly young men – in preparation for her move there. Liz plans to keep her house in LA for awhile, but wants to spend most of her time in paradise.

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  1. You gotta love Dame Elizabeth. I think she just gets better with age. She used to be way too thin.

  2. Good for her. She is a very talented actress She was far more beautiful than ANY of the botoxed no talents acting today, and she still looks great for 75 yrs. old. She never lived off of any man, earned her own way, was a good Mom and never hid her problems behind some lying publicist. She didn’t take any shit from men, either, which is why she has gone through 8 husbands!

  3. Good for her. She is a very talented actress She was far more beautiful than ANY of the botoxed no talents acting today, and she still looks great for 75 yrs. old. She never lived off of any man, earned her own way, was a good Mom and never hid her problems behind some lying publicist. She didn’t take any shit from men, either, which is why she has gone through 8 husbands!

  4. break out the violins. dame liz is high as a kite on all kinds of heavy duty prescription painkiller drugs. maybe in hawaii she can get stoned with some good hawaiian marijuanahahaa and have a few laughs watching her pool boys prance around in their tight speedo bottoms. maybe she can get michael jackson’s lover and confidant, chimps the monkey to come live with her.
    awwwww isnt that cute.

  5. I think that larry king is older than liz. larry married some chick that is younger than his own bio daughters from one of his many former wives, and has children with her who are something like under age 5.
    liz will get married again to a younger larry fortensky and afterwards, she will turn her hawaiian mansion into a rehab center for hags and dirty old men to recover from get support for the trials and turbulations that come with having a football teams worth of ex husbands and wives.

  6. Hawaii is beautiful — paradise. I used to live there and if I had her money, I would move back again. Good for her to choose where she lives. For once, it’s not based on where her work is!

  7. Liz has actually worked all her life for everything she has. She didn’t take any shit from men, which is why she is divorced 8 times. Through everything she has been upfront with her fans and never lied about everything thru a publicist like the current bunch of no talents in Hollywood today. And none of then will have 60 year careers, she’s been a star since she was a child. She’s never made up lame excuses about her problems with booze or drugs, but who wouldn’t need to medicate after mescarriages, car accidents, numerous back injuries/surgeries a brain tumor and everything else she has dealt with.
    She has always been a good Mom to her kids.
    I wish her the best of everything.

  8. What happened to her and Michael Jackson? Is he gonna be moving to Hawaii also to live with her or are they over and done and finished with?

  9. I think she looks better than she has in years. What a wild ride life has been for her! I say she should be able to do and live however she wants.

  10. The lady with 9 lives … you go madame!
    I am so happy for her. She is one of the smartest women in Hollywood. For someone who has survived, she deserved to be in paradise before she reaches the real paradise on “The Other Side”.

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