We figured out how that rumor about Elizabeth Taylor being “engaged” to manager Jason Winters got started. A couple of years ago Liz and Jason were thick as thieves – she adored him and often used his house in Hawaii. A year or so ago she flew with her entourage to stay at his house and Jason asked her NOT to drink while she was there. That made her very angry and Liz chartered a flight home that same day and she refused to speak to Jason for many months. Recently they repaired their relationship, and they’re best friends again. Jason manages Kathy Ireland (You DO remember Liz defending Kathy’s awkward interviews at the Oscars on twitter) Keep in mind, Jason isn’t exactly available – he already has a longtime companion – his business partner.

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  1. One more Hollywood gay who is needing money and Liz is needing someone to push her stroller!

  2. So, Janet…just come right out and say it, quit beating around the bush…the guy is gay and they are NOT “engaged”.

  3. Dame Elizabeth is a friend for life.She had a special friendship with Roddy McDowell,and Rock Hudson.She has helped to raise millions of dollars for AIDS research and awareness.
    She absolutely adored Michael (Jackson) and was a supporter to him during the worst and best times.Designer Halston and Malcolm Forbes were two of her favorite people.I can easily believe that Jason is financially comfortable,and Elizabeth will always be well taken care of. Sometimes two people have a special friendship that No one else Need to understand. I wish the two of them the very best. PEACE!!

  4. P.S.
    With major surgeries,and near death experiences,Elizabeth may have 9 lives,but I doubt if marriage is in the near future for her.I believe that she treasures her friendships more than the uncertainties of marriage.

  5. Sure the guy is gay—all of Liz’s inner circle are. But I don’t think he’s a pee-wee like Jacko was. How could she tolerate him sexually abusing kids in exchange for jewelry he gave her? She’s a pill-popping evil wench.

  6. Janet, please use SpellCheck! If they were engaged, he would be her “fiance”, not her “fiancee”! Stupid Americans.

  7. Please learn to spell, it’s awfully distracting from the article itself.

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