We were delighted to hear that Elin Nordegren has no intention of appearing with her husband Tiger Woods tomorrow when he makes his “speech.” At LAST, a wife with the backbone to refuse to stand by her man when he is SOOO wrong. Too many wives meekly lurk “supportively” beside their disgraced mates when the guys make insincere public apologies simply because they got caught. We’ve seen evangelist’s wives and political wives (yes Hillary, we mean YOU) do it, and it’s a step BACK for feminism. Pretending to support a louse makes the wife seem as dishonest as the husband. Forgive him in private, but do NOT support him in public! Don’t disappoint us, Elin!
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If Hilary was not such self-centered manipulative ‘Bitch’ and told the truth about that SOB she was married to in the first place, he would have never been in the White House to begin with.
………..swallow sperm but do not complain!!
Who’s the real daddy Chelsa? Anywho Tiger absolute charm is over with fans like President Zero.. he will lie and not actually appologize but say.. Sheese., I had no excuse to cheat.. but darn it, I COULD, in his mind as a sad tear falls from his eye.
Where was she going to go? Let a another man fuck her and take her money? Why end up like Ivana?
The ideals of feminism, like the consciousness created by the civil rights movement, seems to be quickly fading. What can you expect when western countries choose places like India and China as their economic role models? It is all about money and product, and amassing enough money to rise above the cesspool. Can you really blame a woman for standing by her man, when had is famous or raking in the cash?
I think Elin is doing the right thing by letter Tiger defend her (if you listened to his press conference) than to stand there and appear to defend him. I hope he is sincere in his statements and that he really does want to become a better person.
You know I’m on strike against the poopie being dished out in this pop culture of ours. Good move on her not standing next to him like a plastic model. But, whether he is sincere or not, he owes apologies to his wife and family ONLY.
He does not owe an apology to anybody else on this planet. You don’t have to watch golf or buy what he endorses.
Tiger got the order of screwing hos all wrong.
You screw them,
play with them,
get tired of them,
then get married,
divorce wife,
start all over again.
All men do this but most get the order right. So people need to get off their high horse and look in the mirror to find perfection and no sins. You’ll fail.
I hope he gets back to golf and kicks major ass. I can’t believe the golfers critical of him. He made the game more interesting and because of him they are all richer for it. Just the facts.
Tiger got caught, he may or may not be sorry, so freaking what. I love golf. I like it more with him in the game. I,m not happy with the disruption or the perfect humans judging this guy.
Some clarification to the list
get marry
stay married
no more hos
divorce wife before more hos
When you get married there are these things called vows that you take to stand by the person you marry, that is why it also sucks to be married in the first place but its wrong to judge a wife who takes the responsibility of keeping her family together seriously and is selfless enough to put her own feelings aside for the good of her children. She should be commended for being an outstanding parent, woman and wife. Children are more important than pride.
listen this woman is just the highest form of prostitution any woman would be lucky to achieve.
she met and married her rich nerd, popped out two kids by him, caught him cheating, renegotiated her prenup to extort more money from this tiger loser and she will be set and probably no longer has to even go to bed with him anymore.
she paid her dues, she needs to get paid on the way out. she will stay like a greedy mouse in hopes of more cheese but sometimes the hungriest mouse is wise to leave the buffet early.
I’m glad she didn’t stand there smiling at him like so many of these pathetic women do too. Sadly, somebody who has cheated as much as he did is pretty much guaranteed to cheat in the future. He’s only sorry he got caught.
And for every Elin, there is at least another woman (or, in this case 12) who “cheated” with the married man. Are those women — proactive, ambitious, go-getters that they demonstrably are, considered “feminists?”
Monica and Rielle (to name two) were simply campaigning hard to be someone’s wife. And they refused to let the fact that the job was already filled stand in their way, LOL.
For months,the media outlets,and countless outspoken opinions have been,Tiger needs to say something,yes he went on his blog and apologized,but he needs to say something.
Today was that day,he apologized again.Tiger never owed me an apology,I can easily believe
that he has been apologizing to his wife around the clock.The idea,that today he held his conference,and has chosen to go back into
rehab,and not back to work,says a lot about his priorities.I believe that as long as he keeps his mind on his prize (his wife and cubs)and his paws clean,that he will stay on the right track,and he will be back,not the same Tiger,but a better Tiger Woods.PEACE!!!
“Equality” baloney has destroyed male respect for women and changed the dynamics of marriage so much as to make the concept unworkable. You can’t be “equal” in a marriage, it just doesn’t work because then you’re just roommates not a romantic couple.
After his 14 mintute speech today, you can bet there will be many experts studying his body language and eye movements, etc. I think he was bascially insincere because he never mentioned the word “repent”. He just said ‘ I am so sorry’, which could mean he is sorry he got caught or he is sorry he had to be outed as an adulterer. ‘Repent’ means you turn from your sin. ‘Sorry’ is just ‘sorry’.
Elin should take him back and then in a few months while he is sleeping she should cut off his pecker and grapes. That’s the only way he will be cured.
Hey Danny…sometimes change is for the better. ‘Equality’ underlined a fundamental flaw in the concept of marriage.
It’s not our place to judge. He didn’t hurt you or me.
It IS Elin’s place to do that. Whether she does or not forgive him, that’s her choice.
Having said that, I think today’s statement was forced and not very sincere. About the only sincere thing I heard was asking the paps to leave Elin and the kids alone. AMEN! This is not their fault and they are being trailed like prey.
I do feel so bad for them. Godspeed Elin and kids.
Fact: Buddhists go to hell
Fact: Tiger is a buddhist
If he IS cheating, he is going to hell.
If he HAS cheated in the past, he is going to hell.
If he NEVER ever cheated, he is going to hell.
Fact: Buddhists go to hell.
Only born again Christians filled with the Holy Spirit are going to heaven.
Tiger needs to convert to Christianity, be filled with the Holy Spirit, Who alone can give him strength to re-establish his life.
Dandy lion is an idiot. You don’t have the power to decide who goes to Hell, in fact it appears that YOU are currently in Hell to have the beliefs you hold.
As one of my Facebook friends pointed out, Tiger NEVER once said in his speech today that he loves his wife. Hmmm.
Hillary is a calculating coont who knew full well what Bill was long before Monica. Hillary “fixed” Bill’s problems during the initial run at the presidency during 91 by hiring people to “SILENCE” the women who Bill raped or had flings with. I bet you (Janet) didn’t believe Juanita Broaddrick whom Bill violently raped in the late 70’s.
Hillary stayed with Bill because he gave her power. Not feminism. But Bill. And so she made the decision his actions of treating women like crap was not as important as his ability to help her with her political ambitions.
As for Elin, why should she leave? Tiger is promising her tons of money and I doubt she wants to go back to being a nanny taking care of messy kids of other golfers. She now has a life she never dreamed of.
That’s feminism for you. WOmen want to be taken care of men and many women will look the other way while their rich and powerful hubby’s dip their stick in other honey pots.
malario well said!
Gay tallywacker, is destroying heterosexual marriage your goal? I always suspected that to be the real reason for this gay marriage business. Gays never seemed to care about marriage before. In the 70’s they were perfectly happy with anonymous bathroom sex and cocaine parties at bathhouses.
@ Mister: You are right, but homosexuals will never ever admit this. The curse of HIV/AIDS began with the gay community.
Tiger wasn’t just apologizing to his wife….he was apologizing to Corporate America. His billion-dollar sponsorship with Gatorade, Nike and AT & T ended. So the fake apology was for them…..Of course, he’s apologizing because he got caught.
If Erin hadn’t gone ballistic at Thanksgiving after learning of his cheating, it wouldn’t have gotten into the tabloids and Tiger would STILL be cheating, quietly but happily.
I wish Tiger would just go away. He’s a boring asshole with no personality.
No, Lisa, it’s YOU who is the idiot. The Bible clearly states that accepting Jesus Christ as your savior is the ONLY way to Heaven. Otherwise, off to hell with you.
Nina, do they have pizza in heaven? Because if not I’m going to have to rethink my options.