If anybody ever deserved to be voted off Dancing with the Stars, it was Kendra Wilkinson. When the season started she was the young, sexy and athletic favorite expected to win. But when her looks and fitness didn’t seem help her on the dance floor, she turned into a bratty teenager, implying that winning didn’t matter to her anyway. When judges critiqued her style she didn’t strive to improve, she turned resentful. Judge Carrie Ann suggested that the Playboy model was “afraid of elegance” and Kendra snapped that she “didn’t care.” Other contestants were and are, so earnest in their attempts to win they put Kendra to shame. The “I don’t care” girl with the bad attitude got what she wanted and deserved.

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  1. She was better this week, but her whining was annoying. I will miss her partner Louis though. He’s fabulous and makes however he dances with look great too.

  2. TMZ reported that she farted during the competition and there is probably no doubt that black Hank has popped that keister so many times she has no sphincter control. It is appropriate that JC has a J Lo thread running as it is pretty well known that Black Puffy was doing the same thing and Jen actually was said to have had surgical repairs to the abused area!

  3. That shameless slut has been shaking and shimmying, pole dancing, and ‘doing acrobatics’ with Hefner for years. And even though I’m glad to see her go, it just shows that Scientologists are keeping fatty Kirstie in, as evidenced by Mrs. Kelly (John SCI) Travolta always in the audience cheering her on as if to say…all us Sci’s are still votin’ for ya, honey. This show is such a phoney.

  4. Are you on crack? There was no time in your life that Kendra was a “favorite expected to win”.

  5. Not a fan of Kendra but I laughed out loud when I saw (& heard) her fart on TMZ.com

  6. Len looks as if he’s bracing for a blast of projectile diarrhea!

  7. Hallelujah!!

    What happened to her comment “Kirstie Alley is my only competition”? Don’t go away mad Kendra, just go away, and stay away. Please.

    I don’t care who wins now, I think they are all worthy contenders.

  8. Wh@res can only dance with poles.

    WHEN is whipped chump Hank gonna divorce this skank??

  9. That ‘not caring’ was a pretty transparent bruised ego reaction to criticism. I guess she’s only 26, how mature can we expect her to be?

  10. Give me a break 26 is hardly a kid!!! She should be much more mature than she is….what do u expect when everything has been handed to her just because she can shake her booty.

  11. if you’ve ever seen her interviewed: it’s obvious she is a headcase, and needs years of therapy.

  12. She’s not very intelligent and her commment about not caring if she has any “elegance” hurt Louis’s feelings and really pissed his off after all the hard work he put into making her look good every week. I really gelt bad for him when she said that.

  13. but only ask simple questions.

  14. 26? More like 46. She’s stupid, shallow and lacking any good qualities.

  15. I have no idea as to why she is popular in the first place. Granted most Playboy models, without makeup, are not beauties, but this Kendra is downright homely. She has the oddest smile, with that funny looking mouth. Last of all, shes famous for being a ho, and she couldn’t dance to save her life.

  16. I agree, to a point. When she first started the competition, she was a whiny, ungrateful little brat. However, in recent weeks, her attitude has done a 180, and she presented herself completely differently. Her dancing improved as well, and I was a little disappointed that she wasn’t able to stick around. I don’t think she would have won it all, but I do think she deserves credit for turning her attitude around.

  17. I haven’t watched the show, but mostly because none of the “celebrities” are interesting enough to tune in each week to see. I especially loathe Kendra with her obnoxious laugh and her disgusting background of being a paid slut. She comes across as a complete moron so I’m happy to hear she not only farted, but embarrassed herself by acting like a child. I can’t believe she has even one fan.

  18. I can’t understand how Hank puts up with her partying and erratic ways, unless he really likes all the ‘stuff’ Hefner taught her.

  19. Kendra and Louis were on Regis/Kelly live this morning doing a weird easy dance. She had on a thin pair of red short shorts, a cheap low cut black top, and about 5 inch heels (they didn’t wear heels this high on DWTS). I can’t explain how skanky she acted and looked; you would have to see it maybe on YouTube, ’cause words can’t do it justice.

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