This week Daryl Hannah made the “shocking revelation” that she suffers from autism and had “debilitating shyness” as a child. Sorry, but we’re not buying it. Daryl is far too accomplished an actress. Daryl believes she has a form of autism called Asperger’s Syndrome but there’s more to this disorder than extreme shyness. People with Asperger’s are of normal intelligence but cannot react appropriately in social situations. They have great difficulty developing friendships or sharing pleasant activities with others. They simply don’t understand other people and cannot share feelings or humor. Daryl is a successful actress who has understood and played many types of characters. She has dated some of the hottest guys in Hollywood – not to mention John F Kennedy Jr. She seems to have no trouble socializing. (We’ve seen her at parties.) We have our doubts about her self diagnosis.
Photo: Fox News

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  1. There is a very wide spectrum. I’ve worked with many teens at varying levels of social functioning. She may be autistic, but I won’t believe it if she is self-diagnosing.

  2. I thought it was spelled aspergers? She doesn’t seem like someone with Aspergers (or asbergers), but it seems likely she is a person who uses the right side of her brain more. A great book on this subject is Right Brain Children In A Left Brain World. The point of it is how many very bright, creative kids don’t do well in traditional school becuz it is set up by and for left brain people.

  3. She looks very pretty in that picture…she kinda looks like a blonde Karen Black.

  4. @Georgie – u need glasses or u are stoned. She looks like Travolta with a blonde wig. Besides, she has messed up her face big time and any idiot can see that. Truth is she was borderline retarded at least pre-fame, she has/had no autism or Asperger’s syndrome

  5. I forgot to mention, she sounds like Halle Berry who said she “cured” herself of diabetes 2.

  6. Halle Berry also claimed to have breasts! Ask her former b/f the doctor who bought them for her!

  7. “They simply do not understand other people and can not share feelings or humour,” WRONG!
    Aspies have trouble reading the non-verbal social cues from other people. However they have excellent senses of humour and very much have the ability for empathy. Aspies also have above normal intelligence but excel In their chosen interests. Aspies care not about fashion and have tactile sensitivities hence the poor fashion sense. They do not like the sensation of denim on their skin or uncomfortable footwear. Aspies do not like direct eye contact, it is painful for them. Another reason they miss the social cues we all take for granted. The Nutty Professor is a caricature of an Aspy. The universities are where Aspys hide in plain site.
    Famous Aspies. Tom Hanks. Neil Young, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Syd Barret, Gary Numan,Dan Akroyd.
    Aspies do not like being labeled, Autistic. They are much higher functioning.
    I do not think it likely Hannah is an Aspy.

  8. I have a relative, age 50, comes from a very wealthy family, who was diaagnosed with Asperger’s. He cannot function in any social situation. $10 million or more was spent on him with special schools when he was diagnosed at about age 3. He is not any better and drives everyone around him crazy, changes subjects in the middle of a conversation and never shuts up. If a situation comes up like a traffic jam, he goes berserk and screams over and over, ‘what am I gonna do’…and ‘I’ll have to think about this’. It is horrible.

  9. Seymour, your relative is a lower functioning, Aspie. He cannot discuss subjects in a social setting unless it is HIS subject. As far as the traffic jams he does not deal with abrupt changes beyond his control. There needs to be rigid structure and order within his daily routine.
    The 2005 film Mozart and the Whale with Josh Hartnett is a fairly accurate and hilarious depiction of different functioning Aspies going about their lives. A must for the uneducated on Aspies.

  10. I don’t know why she would say she has it if she doesn’t. As for dating John Kennedy Jr., he liked them tall, thin and blonde.

  11. Daryl used to be pretty. Now, if she were not identified. I’m not sure I would even know who she is. She went waaaaaay overboard on the plastic surgery.

  12. The same reason that they like to claim a victimhood of anything else…pity and attention or too appear an expert. But mostly it is because they are put out front by some pity pressure group looking for attention and most of all $$$$.

    Richare Gere an expert on Tibetian history and culture?

    Babs Streisand an economic genius?

    Angelina Jolie an international affairs expert?

    Whitney Houston a Black Israeli?

    They are being made fools of but even worse are the foolish who listen to their drivel and send in contributions to their causes!

  13. “Daryl Hannah: I’ve battled autism since childhood”

    this blog nailed the truth

  14. We check your website periodically. Often enjoy your ‘old Hollywood’ memories and nostalgia. Often are amazed by your short-sighted subjective biases and assumptions presented as ‘fact’. This ‘bet’ you would have lost: Daryl has had a problem since a child with these ’emotional deficits’ – her stepfather, Jerry Wexler, was a Knight in Shining Armour in her mother, Susie’s life, and to all of his daughters; the period prior to his difficult lingering death in ’92, while hospitalized in Palo Alto, while Darly was living in LA, was one such example of it: Jerry had done so much for her, yet, she was the only family member – including son-in-laws, grandchildren, friends, business associates and partners – all who loved him to death – who did not go to visit him over months. It was a family cause celebre, until…finally…last minute…she went…explaining that she ‘did not know how to deal with these matters, ‘no feelings’, but was sorry — Jerry understood…as he always understood. He had reared her – he knew.

    There was no one like Jerry…one of a kind…a heart of gold…a brilliant, brilliant business-Mind, a unique friend – and father – and tirelessly innovative in his vast business empire HQ’d in Chicago.
    A friend this person will always think about with love and appreciation. Hopefully, Daryl has grown out of some her problem.

  15. W was extremely free with her “charms” in her early years.

    To repeat:

    The same reason that they like to claim a victimhood of anything else…pity and attention or too appear an expert. But mostly it is because they are put out front by some pity pressure group looking for attention and most of all $$$$.

    Richare Gere an expert on Tibetian history and culture?

    Babs Streisand an economic genius?

    Angelina Jolie an international affairs expert?

    Whitney Houston a Black Israeli?

    They are being made fools of but even worse are the foolish who listen to their drivel and send in contributions to their causes!

  16. She had said before that ,as a child, the drs wanted to institutionalize her. Her mother had to move her. She was diagnosed as a child with Autism. NOT A SELF DIAGNOSIS
    Get your article straight

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