We’re trying to figure out HOW Cybill Shepherd’s son Zack Oppenheim, 22, got himself arrested for stealing stuff on a plane. While passengers dozed, Zach rummaged through their carry-on luggage and relieved them of money, a camera and various travel bags. Other passengers who were wide awake watched him in the act and promptly reported him. The Enquirer was first to report this story (they were so excited they misspelled Cybill’s name.) Zack was arrested as he got off the plane in Philadelphia. He must have known it was coming because he stashed the stolen items in the bathroom trash bin where they were later recovered. How could he pull off such an obvious crime in full view of an audience? We’re thinking his mind must have been in an altered state.

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  1. When the mother has no morals, such as starring as a lesbian in the “L” word, not to mention many affairs, what do you expect from the offspring? Cybill is now just an old ho that cannot catch a male or female, except for quick flings. The only thing she has that’s memorable (imho) is that she intimately ‘knew’ Elvis Presley.

  2. Got to be a drug addict. Who is so stupid to steal on a plane where the choices of who did it are so limited.

  3. Poor Cybil, not only is her only son a total loser theif, but a stupid one at that, and by the way, completely ugly! Too bad he didn’t steal himself a mask while he was at it!!!

  4. Hey Janet — Remember your thought during the months when Cybill was pregnant w/ the twins? You had heard that perhaps the REAL (bio) dad was (is?)Mark Harmon, who she was having an affair w/ just around the time she got pregnant… that twins run in his family (he is, after all, uncle to the Nelson twins) — and then had a hurry-up wedding to Oppenheim. Any new thoughts on this?
    Poor kid — looks like he WANTED to be caught… what’s going on w/ his twin sister?

  5. ………….his mother is the role-model of this story!!
    yep, A SICK FAGGOT, folks!!

  6. I had heard Cybill had done a few things, but I never knew they were this bad. She seems like a nasty woman in the Madonna catagory.

  7. Lenny….I remember when she was being interviewed (forget which show) that she said she was the least uninhibited woman in the world. And she has lived these words, esp. after winning top model of the year. One of her first affairs was breaking up Peter Bogdonavich’s marriage and living with him 5 years, whil both still carried on affairs. She also said she is an atheist.

  8. Jesus, Joseph and Mary. He was obviously looking for prescription drugs. But for all that is holy, he is not a looker.

  9. Cybill’s extremely raunchy past is coming back to haunt her. I remember when she had her short-lived talk show, she pulled no punches when it came to her fave subject.

  10. By L’il Off Broadway On January 12, 2010 at
    When the mother has no morals, such as starring as a lesbian in the “L” word, not to mention many affairs, what do you expect from the offspring? Cybill is now just an old ho that cannot catch a male or female, except for quick flings. The only thing she has that’s memorable (imho) is that she intimately ‘knew’ Elvis Presley.
    While she probably had no morals, please do not equate having no morals and being gay. I beleive in God strongly and do not feel that me being a lesbian is in direct conflict with God. God is about love no matter what form it takes. I tried to live a morally, do charity, try to be pure and humble in my heart, etc. I can go on and on. And with a name like off Broadway (sounds like u are from the theater scene or a lover of theater. There are MANY gays in the theatre scene). And one more gem, those are the most homophobic are usually in the closet themselves.

  11. Nah, he’s not a Harmon, just get a load of that schnoz.

  12. All sins have to be confessed and repented of, such as robbery, cursing, homosexuality, envy, adultery, etc. Love has nothing to do with it, except the love that brought the Savior to the world to save those who repent and believe.

    Cybill as an atheist has raised a lesbian daughter, Clementine, and 1/2 of a twin that is a drug addict. (examples of need to repent).

  13. Is it just me, or does he look like a girl??? Somewhere in Cybill’s life, she really did some dirt to people.

    Or maybe her children are just a blood sacrifice for living & working in the Dark Side of Hollyweird . . .

  14. Hilary, You have a great memory! The twins are Bruce’s – they don’t resemble Mark. Too bad.

  15. Borgqueen: The Bible says that homosexuality is an abomination. Of course God loves you but your constant intentional sin is another issue. Your moral relativism will not change the fact that you intentionally sin.
    God deals with the sins of His faithful the same way an arborist deals with willful trees. If there is a branch present that is leading to the overall poor health of the tree, it will be removed so that the tree can flourish. God will punish those who willfully sin by pruning them spiritually until they reconcile themselves to His will and obey. On the other hand, the question begs itself, are you faithful?

  16. Shouldn’t all you idiot holy rollers be doing charity events or be at church instead of looking at a gossip website? Gossip is an abomination according to the Bible, so your all a bunch of hypocrites! I love Cybill, she’s brave, an underrated actress and does a lot of good through her political activism.

  17. borgqueen: Respectfully I submit the following: I am sure you support charities, etc. But if you had $10 million and gave every dime to charity, this will not buy your way into heaven. No matter how much we do has no bearing on whether we are saved or not. Do you think John 3:16 and 17 is a lie?

    Barkley: This is not gossip. Some on here are so lost that they refuse to listen to the truth. For some, this ‘gossip’ site may be the only time they hear the truth of the Gospel. Whether they believe it or not, is entirely up to them.

  18. Wow, so many Bible-thumping fanatics here. Don’t you religious nutjobs have anything else to do?
    Better yet, go criticize Rev. Haggard—the fanatical anti-gay preacher who was Bush’s official “spirital advisor.” He got caught taking meth and having sex with a male hooker…remember?

  19. To most of all comments made regarding this youngman.

    Seeing the bible thumping and judging, is actually comical. There is not a person on this EARTH that does not have issues.

    Being Gay, Bi Sexual or any other sexuality, has nothing to do with the person we are.

    Who cares who Ms. Shepherd does in her personal life or her professorial life.

    I have yet to meet anyone without faults.

    Judging others shows how insecure you all are!!!!!!

    Folks, get lifes, the web has become a place that people can rule your lifes.

    Wake up folks, get a life, and don’t judge others, we all are judged daily even if we do not know it.

    I never comment on situations, of any kind, but this one, was done with merit.

    We are living in a full on Deperssion, and there are issues that by far are greater then comments about others.

    Get back to Reality, and off the web life.

  20. Casonia Sade Logenberry..Hells kitchen and Masterchef are double hit on Mondays and Tues and it rocks completely and when are you going to make fun of the fat people and Here comes some tear and Hells kitchen is like an onion...Layers are under it and it says:

    It seems to me this young man has some problems and he is trying to get negative attention and it is a shame to steal and your already Rich and have everything you want in this world and you are going to jail for taking some one else stuff and that is so wrong in so many ways that person really worked hard for everything they have and you should tell that person that your sorry and of course go to jail or go some place and get some help…There must be a problem or stress or trama or drama your going throw but you must be hurting or you must had just lost some one you love but you have to get help for this problem Zack or it is going to get worst in the future and sooner or later your mother may not want to Bail you out. But why take it? You can go get a job and earn the money and buy the stuff yourself.

  21. Casonia..Happy that little bitch elisa lost and really happy for Paul and he is strong on Desserts but Will was weak in that area and poor Tommy would not speak up but very sexy and hot young man to look at and very yummy too! says:


  22. Casonia..Happy that little bitch elisa lost and really happy for Paul and he is strong on Desserts but Will was weak in that area and poor Tommy would not speak up but very sexy and hot young man to look at and very yummy too! says:


  23. Casonia..Happy that little bitch elisa lost and really happy for Paul and he is strong on Desserts but Will was weak in that area and poor Tommy would not speak up but very sexy and hot young man to look at and very yummy too! says:


  24. Casonia..Happy that little bitch elisa lost and really happy for Paul and he is strong on Desserts but Will was weak in that area and poor Tommy would not speak up but very sexy and hot young man to look at and very yummy too! says:


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