George Clooney and Brad Pitt got all dressed up and strolled the red carpet at the Venice Film Festival together. Their crime comedy “Burn After Reading “ was the big opening night movie. It’s about a bumbling pair of gym teachers who come upon a CIA agent’s memoirs and attempt to sell them. Of course, the fact that George doesn’t have a female date will start up all those ridiculous gay rumors again. For the last time, GEORGE IS NOT GAY!
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Yeah. But is he a heroin addict? That’s been rumored too.
Movie will flop, their acting is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo overrated.
Janet…i agree with you; i don’t believe he’s gay either. 🙂
I agree with 1:22
They are both way way way overrated
Some people will say ANYbody is gay just to say it. They have no proof, they just want to be ugly. And they’re jealous. In this case, of George’s looks, money, ability to get women, etc. They’re probably an unemployed computer geek with no life who couldn’t get a date on a bet. The things they say just make them look pathetic. And obvious.
They both look fairly good on the outside, but they are rotten on the inside. George (fornication) and Brad (adultery and fornication)…..the time will come……
I’d love to be the meat in a Brad/George sandwich, um, manwich.
Both total movie stars. We have no idea what the truth is about their personal lives.
Too bad George can’t find a woman who’s both hot AND somewhat accomplished. Maybe he thought he was going to have the same “magic” with his cocktail waitress that Matt Damon has with his waitress bride. Guess he couldn’t settle for as little.
Go George! She’s out there.
My friend is friends with George’s family and they confirm he IS gay. Give it up ladies (and Janet). And Angie took away Brad’s balls years ago
Anonymous 9:10 a.m., you could be Osama Bin Laden for all we know. You have zero credibility, dear.
My friend is friends with George’s family and they confirm he IS gay.
It is always a friend of a friend that just
knows someone is gay.
In this age of technology if he was gay some kind
of video/phone message/picture would have been
sold for millions ages ago..
Hell i wish i had the picture i need a new car.
sure…neither was Rock Hudson!
George Clooney is a hero to 44 year old men everywhere. Clooney is a god!
I just have a gut feeling that he is gay. The Enquirer needs to get after this….they can get the truth.
it will come out eventually
it will come out eventually
confirmed bachelor = gay
Luv ya Janet but George is hiding in plain sight, as if he was banging that Vegas hoochie waitress!
Like Anderson Cooper (but AC doesn’t beard), and Jodie Foster GC doesn’t have to and most prob will never come out.
it will come out eventually
Yes some friend of a friend of a friend will
swear it’s true!
George loves women.
Uncover the secret to the demise of Georgie’s one and only marriage (to Talia Balsam), and then you will know the truth.
If George is gay, then he deserves another academy award for his acting ability. The guy’s not gay. I’ve seen him numerous times in the valley – and he cruises women like there is no tomorrow.
If George is gay, then he deserves another academy award for his acting ability. The guy’s not gay. I’ve seen him numerous times in the valley – and he cruises women like there is no tomorrow.
If George is gay, then he deserves another academy award for his acting ability. The guy’s not gay. I’ve seen him numerous times in the valley – and he cruises women like there is no tomorrow.
I love both Brad and George, but mostly Brad, I can’t wait to see the flick. Good luck fellas
Is it possible that he’s bisexual, then?
Whatever his sexuality – love him.
Ask Waldo Sanchez and his motorcycle crew…
major case of gayface, too.
George is swishy, camp and bitchy…GAY
As Brad ages he’s looking more and more like a down home Missouri Hoosier! GO Brad!