Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Charlie Sheen has NOT fallen back into his old hard-partying ways. Yet. At the height of his indulgence, Charlie thought nothing of hitting he streets in his pajamas. But today he wore a bathrobe in LA because he’s filming a Direct TV commercial in which he ends up in a jacuzzi. (And we’ll bet he’s not alone.) Nice work if you can get it. In spite of his occasional manic episodes, Charlie continues to get work, and he’s currently casting his new Anger Management series. Last year we thought his career might be over- but you never know…

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  1. I call Bullshit on this one. I saw pictures of Charlie on the same day and he was totally WHACKED! He is definately using again.

    It won’t be long and he will have another run in with the law. Either that or he will over do the drugs and end up in the hospital.

  2. are those bruises or crude tattoos on his ankles?
    He looks awful.

  3. Kid is not a bad actor. Loved 2.5 men. I bet he sucked up all the attention in the Sheen household growing up and there are some big egos in that house.

    Hope he does well both mentally and professionally.

  4. Yes, whadup with the ankles? He looks very old and used. Young chicks go for this?

  5. I predict his career is far from over. John Q. Public will continue to want to see him on TV and to read about him.. And that is because it makes them look not so bad compared to Charlie’s many escapades.

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