WHO is buying all these tickets to see Charlie Sheen in person? Aren’t we in a recession? He’s selling out across the USA and even filled 6000 seats for two shows at Radio City Hall in New York. The ticket prices are $79.50 to $519 and for $750 the buyer can meet Charlie backstage. He calls his act “Charlie Sheen Live: My Violent Torpedo of Truth,” but what is the audience going to SEE? Charlie, seated in a chair, ranting like he did on TV and the internet? Will the goddesses or pornstars be featured in some entertaining way? Who is rehearsing this act with Charlie? We picture disgruntled young guys paying for the tickets, looking to feel better about themselves. Will they be satisfied with Charlie’s show?

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  1. I guess there are plenty of idiot men who admire a jackass like this, ooh he slept with thousands of hookers and porn stars …

  2. The meat of it will be Charlie huffing on his pipe in a bedroom setting
    with two skanks working hard to try and get him up. Every now and then Charlie will get off the bed and peek out the curtains.

  3. He has 20 gigs lined up already. I’m wondering if the first gig or 2 will be a disaster and then the rest of them will be cancelled. Or maybe he’ll figure out it’s not as much fun as he thought it would be and bail out after a few shows.

  4. It’s awful enough to have to see the bits and pieces of his nonsense on every channel acting the complete moron while the announcer breathlessly pants about how much longer he can possibly last before his head completely explodes. You couldn’t pay ME to go see anything that berserk fool has to “say”.

  5. They want to see the melt down up close. When he self destructs, they want to be close enough to get hit with the blood splatter.

  6. According to Roger Friedman over at showbiz411, the tickets were snapped up by scalpers – there are thousands of tickets for sale on stub hub.

  7. Good questions Janet. What the heck is he going to do on stage that would be worth a nickel never mind $519. Although in the past people would line up and pay their nickel to see the freaks in a tent. Maybe its back to the future.

  8. My guess is that most people attending will be journalists and paparazzi. Oh yeah, and other idiots that believe in Warlocks and Tiger blood.

  9. Just like Michael Jackson as Janet predicted, the shows will never happen. Charlie is set for the big implosion.

  10. Amazing story…hard to believe Charlie put this together…some smart manager must be behind it and many will gain $$ off Charlie’s lunacy.

  11. These girls look like they work for Merry Maids, you know those gals that come in and clean houses.

  12. He’s the ‘stupid’ Howard Stern and appeals to that group. However, Howard is intelligent and not crazy.

  13. Who can stand to listen to him rant (for free, no less) for more than 5 minutes? And now he’s charging big bucks and people are actually paying? What’s the old P.T. Barnum saying about how there’s a sucker born every minute…..

  14. Sadly, my mentally impaired BF would pay to see this tripe. He’s a small time version of Charlie.

    Do yourself a favor ladies, NEVER get romantically involved with a bipolar. This is what awaits you if you do….

  15. It’s no different than the Whitney Houston, Janet Jackson, or J Lo. concert where “fans” are totally ripped off to see an over-the-hill stumble around on stage.

    Whether it’s Charlie or one of these…do yourself a favor and sit on your cash or donate it to a quality charity.

  16. I think Strom has the best idea of all………..donating the money to a great charity.

  17. Are these girls the best that money can buy? Somebody needs a refund…just sayin’

  18. …The “goddess” to the left kinda looks like a man…

  19. Howard Stern had his “moments” too — anyone remember Fartman– which I believe Stern put his own money into — and I think he lost a good portion of it. He did mature (Howard Stern) that is; and maybe, if he doesn’t die — so will Sheen. I just wish he’d go into some serious seclusion and get his shite together — but the narcissism that is so much of the problem, would never allow for that degree of common sense and health.

  20. Teddy, that’s because as Lanie points out, the guy is very obviously and clearly bi-polar. I have a sister and ex-husband who have the disorder and can clearly attest to how screwed up someone is when not treated, self-medicating, or not following their treatment correctly. Most of them go the self-medicating route which seems to be Charlies choice. Booze, drugs of all sorts, uppers, downers, or all three, the person usually tries to either keep in the manic phase which Charlie seems to be in right now, or is fighting the depression hard when they crash. My sister self-committed several times to get herself straightened out. She also pulled over to the side of the freeway one day and put a gun in her mouth. She luckily was able to stop and call for help and immediately go into treatment. It’s a never-ending battle and some don’t win it. If they won’t face the fact there is something WRONG then they will crash and burn and sometimes it will be permanent. All the enablers who surround and encourage Charlie are going to be feeling pretty stupid when the fun train comes to the end of the road in a big splatter. Yeah, THAT will sure be party time!

  21. reta, why say it is your sister with the bi-polar problem. when it is indeed YOU. your postings here make the case clear to me!

  22. yes, I am familiar with bipolar disorder in a more than passing way….but I am also concerned that in Hollywood particularly, that mental disorder gets used too frequently to explain multiple health issues — and Sheen’s LONG TIME, VERY EXTENSIVE drug use was probably the main culprit. I never, never want to further the STIGMA of bipolar disorder, because it is a spectrum disorder, just like all mental illness, and many very responsible people have only ONE or TWO scary incidents before they get help and undergo HUGE LIFE/HEALTH changes that have to occur with a diagnosed mental illness. So, I think Sheen is probably all these: drug addicted, mentally ill and has narcissistic personality disorder. These would take a lot of treatment and COMMITMENT to health. But of course, many, many qualified people, I’m sure, have said this to Sheen for years.

  23. I’ve heard there are no writers for this show, and no scripts… so, I agree w/ Janet: it will be a lot of ranting and raving. I predict that the first couple of shows will sell out, and then Charlie will realize he has nothing new to say, it’s too much work, he’ll be back on drugs, yada yada yada.
    I’m waiting for him to crash — kill himself, or sadly, take his goddesses w/ him. Sad, sad, sad.

  24. And BTW, he looks absolutely awful in this photo — how the real Charlie looks w/out professional hair and makeup. Yikes.

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