Us Weekly


Listen, times are tough in the gossip world – many celebrities are isolating, so all we see are the occasional masked celeb at a supermarket or bike riding. Gossip is HARD to find! So we’re not surprised that Us Weekly has devoted their last few issues to a new Brad Pitt “romance.” He’s been spending time with actress/artist Alia Shawkat, 31, who happens to live ten minutes from his home in Los Feliz – she’s been seen biking to his house. Alia was on the series Arrested Development, and has even had her art shown in Paris. They both share an interest in art, architecture, and film, and they have FUN together. Mutual friends in the art world introduced them, and sources INSIST they are just friends. Why do we believe they are just pals? Brad has always been attracted to beautiful women – whether they were actresses or waitresses. Alia is cute, but her buzz cut and baggy clothing indicate she is NOT on a man-hunt. Also, she says she is bisexual, and her best friend is Ellen Page. Odds of this relationship turning romantic are slim, but never say never…


Us Weekly is picking on Jennifer Aniston again. They insist she requested to have her close-ups retouched in her movie coming out in August, “The Switch.” They say she’s terrified of ageing and as a consequence she has a grueling exercise regimen and is always on a starvation diet. NEWSFLASH: what actress in Hollywood DOESN’T want to look youthful and employable as long as possible? Jennifer does a great job of maintaining her looks and she can’t help it if the only job offers she gets are for romantic comedies. Back in the 60’s, Doris Day was in the same “romantic comedy” rut and her movie close-ups were soft and blurry so she wouldn’t look her age. We think Jennifer’s perfectly normal and wonder why magazines want to make her appear to be love-starved and despondent about her looks.


USCUT.jpgWe wonder if readers of People magazine will be turned OFF by their cover story and interview with the overhyped Paris Hilton. People was set to pay $300,000 for the photos and interview but there was such an outcry that the deal was called off and supposedly Paris did it for free. Hmmm. Personally, we were thrilled to see that Us Editor Janice Min is giving us just what we want- A PARIS-FREE ISSUE! And we love Us even more for leaking that back when everyone was waving money around trying to buy up Paris’s jailhouse story, they offered to make a big donation to her favorite charity instead of paying her, but Paris said no way- she wanted the moolah for HERSELF.