Sex Crimes


Nothing makes us happier than to see Ashley Judd get some legal justice where Harvey Weinstein is concerned. She was one of his earliest and bravest victims and filed a lawsuit against him two years ago which was dismissed. Judd charged that Weinstein was angry with her for not being sexually cooperative and badmouthed her to damage her career. We LOVE that director Peter Jackson came forward and said that he wanted to cast Ashley in The Lord of the Rings in 1998, but Weinstein told him she was “a nightmare to work with and should be avoided at all costs.” (Words like that get around. Who knows how many other people he said that to!) He aimed to destroy her career at the peak of her earning years. Weinstein is currently serving 29 years for rape and other sex crimes – let’s add a few more…

Photo: Goodwill Ambassador Ashley Judd speaking at UN headquarters last year

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA