The unexpected death of Linda Lavin threw her upcoming Hulu TV series, Mid Century Modern, into a tizzy since the first season still has three episodes to film. The much anticipated show from the producers of Will & Grace is described as a gay male version of The Golden Girls with 87-year-old Linda playing the matriarch mother of Nathan Lane’s character. Now producers have reached out to another 87-year-old actress, Jane Fonda, about joining the cast, playing the part of Linda’s sister who inherits the house when Linda’s character passes away. My source reveals producers definitely plan to honor Linda with a storyline devoted to her passing, and that’s when they plan introduce Jane’s equally sassy and outspoken character, assuming Jane takes the job. If Jane passes, producers plan on casting another senior actress for the role.
PHOTO: Disney/Chris Haston- The Mid Century Modern cast, Matt Bomer, Nathan Lane, Nathan Lee Graham, and Linda Lavin