Hollywood Whodunit




They were the PERFECT couple -with gorgeous looks, successful careers, health, wealth -everything dreams are made of!  UNTIL their relationship unexpectedly ended!  Fans were shocked and couldn’t figure out what happened.  Despite their well crafted public image of being passionately in love, actually they hadn’t had sex in YEARS! At least not with each other…  When the romance fizzled out, they made an arrangement to discreetly see other people, and that charade lasted for years.  Now that they’re getting older, one partner got tired of sneaking around and wanted the freedom to openly date – THAT’S why they’re now both on the market.


This actress credits diet and exercise for her recent transformation, going from frumpy to fabulous in record time. Sure, her sexy new hairstyle helps, but what she’s NOT revealing is that she secretly underwent gastro bypass surgery to lose the weight. A friend reveals that the actress was fed up getting typecast as the funny friend and losing the weight has helped her blossom into a desirable leading lady. The only downside, she’s having leakage issues from the surgery so she’s wearing padded underwear to absorb the unpleasant side effect!






This A-list celeb likes to consider himself a renaissance man with various trendy projects in everything from food to fashion. Recently he’s been experimenting with modern art, and doesn’t hesitate to call himself an artist – but this is hardly paint by numbers! He’s attractive, so he pulls a lot of women, and once he’s comfortable, he asks them to grow their pubic hair so that he can wax it for them. (Yes, he’s THAT attractive) He happens to have all the accoutrements of a fancy salon and only uses a special type of hard wax so he can save the hair covered remnants in plexiglass boxes. He considers it pop art and loves to show off his creations – or would you call them TROPHIES…GUESS WHO!!!!


This former Housewife is still thirsty for the spotlight and now that she’s off her popular show, she’s willing to say or do almost anything to retain her notoriety. She’s tried leaking a few health revelations to generate some buzz, but nothing seemed to make the headlines -so she’s hoping her latest doozy changes her publicity dry spell. She’s planning to come out as bisexual! While we aren’t sure if this is just a ploy or her actual sexuality, we do know she’s been hanging out with lesbians to give herself street cred.


When it rains it pours, and this television couple is about the get drenched. Even though they found fame and fortune on TV, the past few weeks have been riddled with professional setbacks for them. Their careers are suddenly on life support and now, unbeknownst to the hubby, their personal life is too! SHE’S about to file for divorce. Apparently our silver fox TV star isn’t so foxy now that’s he’s out of a job, so her reality set in and she wants out.


This reality couple shocked the TV world with their recent split. They both appeared on a very popular show for several years and viewers were fond of their family. When they broke up, both their tv careers were in jeopardy but they each managed to survive. They both rebounded with new attractive partners and he astonished everyone by finding a dead ringer for his stunning ex. HIS new romance is most successful – mainly because he and his new sweetheart have something in common that he never had with his ex-wife. He’s a huge coke-head and his new flame is as crazy about the drug as he is! GUESS WHO!!!


Breaking up is never easy, but in this case it could be disastrous! Back in the day, this crooner set many female hearts aflutter. He’s been happily married to his socialite wife for decades – but he’s got a secret! While singing all those chart-topping love songs, he was actually dreaming of MEN! He’s been involved in a secret romance with a younger Latin hunk. They were SO in love that they exchanged vows and wedding rings in a Las Vegas ceremony and call each other “husband.” Recently he dumped his “husband” and is now hot and heavy with a twenty-something gay porn star! The ex-lover is considering legal action because the singer had promised to take care of him for life, and cut him off without a cent. He’s threatening to expose their gay romance to the singer’s wife and celebrity friends -and he has the PHOTOS to prove it!



Love him or hate him, this guy is a loudmouth who doesn’t hesitate to tell it like he sees it- but there’s one thing he NEVER talks about: his prostate problem. Long story short: he LEAKS! He likes to project an image of macho virility, but under his custom made suits are custom made “diapers.” He’s VERY self-conscious and has absorbent but undetectable “panty liners” sewn into all his underwear, to avoid wet spots. Thanks to his arrogant behavior, he has more than a few enemies and he’s terrified his secret will be exposed and he’ll be forever ridiculed!

Blind Item: America’s Sweetheart Battling A Drug Addiction?


One of America’s Sweethearts is battling a serious drug addiction- not hers, but her best friend’s. Through the years these two have been stuck to one another like white on rice and her fame rubbed off on her pal. They’ve been roomies, have worked together on set, and even launched a business venture together. But all that success has come with a price. After years of being sober, the less famous friend has fallen HARD off the wagon and our gal doesn’t know what to do. She’s hosted an intervention, hired an addiction specialist, and even threatened to end the friendship, but nothing seems to work. What’s a girl to do?


We love every one of Harvey Weinstein’s female accusers – but what about the actresses who AREN’T talking? One actress who won an Oscar in the 90’s has been CONSPICUOUSLY SILENT about the casting couch scandal. It’s because SHE has had a long-term “arrangement” with Harvey in which she traded sex for showbiz favors and it must have been awful, but her career prospered. Now this A-lister is horrified at the prospect of being found out! And, guess what – she’s NOT the only one who’s conspicuously silent!
Any guesses?
