Don’t Look Up


It was just last summer that we saw those dreadful photos of Matthew Perry looking overweight, disheveled, and chain-smoking, wobblily visiting a medical building with his “sober coach.” (He has a history of addiction to methadone, vicoden, methamphetamines, and alcohol) He also had those whiskers that make many men look like transients. Magically, in December he announced that he was engaged to 29 year old literary manager Molly Hurwitz. He has also managed to pull himself together enough to film the Friends reunion and right now he’s filming Don’t Look Up with Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence. His fans are concerned about his appearance on the Friends reunion – if he’s smart he’ll shave off that stubble ASAP. But WHY is he selling his own collection of hoodys and t-shirts? The hoody he’s wearing in the photo above is $44.99, by the way…

Little known fact: Matthew Perry’s stepfather is Dateline’s Keith Morrison!


Don’t Look Up could be the caption of this photo of Leonardo DiCaprio, with his eyes glued to his phone, but it also happens to be the title of the movie he’s filming in Boston. Leo is dressed as a scholarly type because he and Jennifer Lawrence play unknown astronomers who detect an asteroid approaching that will destroy earth, but nobody believes them. They try to warn the President but he doesn’t understand the urgency, so they go on a media tour to try and warn mankind that everyone is about to die. The cast of this political satire is amazing- Meryl Streep, Cate Blanchett, Timothee Chalamet, Ariana Grande, etc.

Above: Leo is leaving the location at the end of the day

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA