Caitlyn Jenner got a spray tan to celebrate Kylie’s 18th birthday at Nobu in Malibu this weekend. And if you look closely at the photo above featuring Kris, Kylie, Kim, and Caitlyn – Caitlyn IS the best dressed one in the family. Fashion notwithstanding, we still don’t think Caitlyn “thinks like a woman” and never will. She was, after all, one of the first people to run out and see Tom Cruise’s new Mission Impossible action movie, which is NOT a big draw for females…
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
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Bruce Just Wants to be a bestest girlfriend partner with a lesbian who desires to have a man act and dress like a woman yet perform like a man.. Wonder if that multi-relationship role will please many people whom already consider him A miserable, henpecked worm, lackluster father, selfish, unfeeling killer .. a WHAT.. now.. you bore me? will work out for him?
One could wonder how many perverts have already hit on him, I mean her. This is all the humanity she will attract, that is, perverts, and she is so f**ked up, she will think she’s in love, many many times.
I see one person attempting to hide her fat legs with below the calf skirt.
One more thing: Her ass is as big as her stomach.
Won’t someone tell Caitlin to stand up straight??
What a disgrace
It’s obvious HE can’t walk in heels, I mean look at that stance (awkward). Also Kylie is NOT in this picture but Kendall is :).
Love the way Kris’s body language says I don’t want to be associated with this person and for once I don’t blame her.
people still think they arent fooled?
Oddball pervert….Angelo and the Pied Piper will wave their PC flags in her honor!
In 10.000 years archaeologists will dig up the bones of “Bruce” and they will NOT say this was a woman. They will say this was an athletic male. You can fool yourself and some of the people. But not the scientists. History is on the side of the scientists.
Huh??? I went to mission impossible with three ladies last night and we all loved it!
Bruce looks like a big gawky guy in a dress and wig.
Whole family, f***ing freakshow…
I STILL feel like they knew their ratings were in the toilet so they came up with this scheme. I don’t believe Bruce feels like a woman at all, he just likes to dress like one. They are all disgusting people, selfish, vain, dumb, the list is endless.
of course he doesn’t think like a woman he is a man. a man with a dress and heels and make up.
Ive seen that polyester tablecloth elsewhere. All it takes is a simple seam down one side, and up the other. Then, rip the edges to get a trim. CHEAP!
As in Cheap Trim!
Oh, for the Saturday night crowd, and those needing a llttle nod, we were referring to PMama’s “shawl.” Haha!
Poor Bruce, and his paws and voice.
Except for those two items, he/she would be a a woman.
Clearly, you can be anything you want to be in America. If you have enough money.
She is no woman and never will be, end of story
what a disgusting troll family
Little Angelo and the PC crowd are all about “diversity”. Call Bruce and them out instead for their perversity!
Oh. dear, where to begin. I believe individuals who are of one sex but think they were actually meant to be the other sex suffer from a profound mental illness, akin to Body Dysmorphic Disorder, but much more extreme. It’s amazing that all Bruce had to say was, “I’m a woman trapped in a man’s body”, and bang, everyone jumps on the bandwagon – ‘sure, Bruce, cut off your genitals, mutilate your body, go for it!” Instead, Bruce and others who suffer from this disorder should be required to have extensive psychological counseling to determine why they experience such rampant self hatred. Don’t get me started on the incredible selfishness of all this. Bruce has children! How about you put your compulsion to dress like a woman aside, and focus on being a good father? I said father, not mother. I know Jenner’s mom said she was okay with all this, but you know privately, she’s devastated. No matter what Jenner does to the exterior of his body, genetically he will always be man.
I’m confused. Has Bruce gotten implants? Has Bruce had the reassignment surgery? If Bruce has implants but no surgery, Bruce is called a pre-op tranny or a queen. The word “transitioning” is so vague it is meaningless. And let us consider the unbelievable position Bruce has taken regarding the woman he killed. Her surviving kids shouldn’t get any money because they haven’t spoken to her in a while. Sorry kids, I killed your Mom, but I have determined your family life wasn’t up to my standards. So much for respect and compassion for others.
Bruce’s attitude towards his crime is horrifyingly cold.
That’s pretty damn sick and disgusting. I hope he gets sued for everything he’s got, and then some.
Oh, c’mon…. ‘Cait’ is still a man…. A man in drag, a man dressed up, a man pretending …dress up all you like ..heels, skirts, grow your hair long ,stockings, lisp and talk in a high voice ….. It’s still a man….Even if you go the knife route…. You’re still a man but without a John Thomas .
What a family!!! All of them are so bizarre as to be freaks…
I wonder if his kids still call him Dad?