Everyone’s asking “What possessed Britney Spears to flash her pantiless bottom at photographers over and over?” Someone offered us the theory that perhaps Britney was inspired by the movie Babel which was released a few weeks back. A main character, played to perfection by Rinko Kikuchi, is a disturbed mute Japanese schoolgirl who is desperate for attention. She leaves her underpants at home and flashes startled onlookers in restaurants and such. Apparently the looks on their faces are gratifying to her. Maybe the newly single Britney was crying out for help with the same inappropriate behavior.
Oh please! There is no excuse. Britney is pathetic.
Horrifying medical experiment gone awry!
It’s called cocaine mixed with alcohol mixed with whatever antidepressant/antianxiety medication she’s on. She’s a walking zombie.
She was trying to get the attention of the paparazzi.
You think Britney is actually deep enough to put thought into anything? She’s a retard!
It’s called “Being a Drunk who Hangs around with Paris Hilton.” Let’s face it, without their money and the cameras chasing them around, they’d be seen for what they really are: pathetic, self-centered, immature drunks. I was really hoping Britney was going to get her shit together when she pulled free of KFed, but it seems she’s already moved onto another loser — Paris. It’s really sad.
What I find so hilarious about the Federline break-up is that so many people blamed everything on Kevin…like keeping Britney home with the children when he would go off for appearence in Las Vegas.
Or having her stay out of the clubs and been with her children…I keep hearing complaints that he was mean to Britney because he wouldn’t let her hang out at the club unless he was there.
Now you see what happened…Britney is a slut at heart and she is tired of playing mommy with her two boys and dumped them off to other people to raise.
Now all of a sudden, photos of Kevin, Britney and the boys are popping all over the net. Photos of Kevin carrying Sean P., photos of Britney, Kevin pushing Sean P in a stroller…I guess the child custody aspect is going to be very interesting.
why is she as bald as a 10 year old??? what the hell is the deal with that??
a woman’s musky garden used to be as big as a piece of new york city pizza.
Britney is an idiot this was posted on Pink is the new blog:
Saturday, December 09, 2006
The Other White Meat
BreatheHeavy.com is reporting that Paris Hilton has come to Britney Spears’ defense in response to all the backlash and allegations that are being leveled at her in the wake of her recent actions. Now, whether you think Paris speaking up on her behalf is a good thing or a bad thing is beside the point (actually, I’m not sure what to make of it myself) but here is text of Paris Hilton’s treatise that was posted as a bulletin on her My Space profile:
I told Brit I’d write a bulletin on here to try to clear some news to at least the people who are on my list…
Lately, you’ve been seeing pics of me and Britney partying (blah blah) and she knows that some of her fans are very upset about what they call her “behavior” and sadly they’re blaming the issue on her being friends with me. Yeah, me and Brit have become really close in the past few weeks, and we’ve gone out alot in the past few nights, but I never influence anything she does, and neither does anyone else.
Brit is her own person and she deals with her own things everyday. For people to call out her parenting skills on behalf of her partying ethics is appalling. Britney loves her kids to death, and I know for a fact that it truly hurts her when she sees these cruel things being written about her.
She goes home every night to her babies and partying has not come in the way of her parenting.
Anyone who has called her out on this should really be ashamed. There are thousands of mothers out there who like to go out and have a good time. But, you do not see people out there calling them “bad parents” She’s young, and if she wants to go out and have some fun, let her. Just because she does these things does not mean she doesn’t care about her children. For the sake of Britney and her kids, be kind
It’s interesting that she, Paris HILTON!, first makes a point to say that she has no influence on Britney’s behavior and then goes on to chastise others for calling Britney’s “parenting skills” and “partying ethics” into question. It would seem that Paris is really trying to be a good friend to Britney by coming to her defense and I guess that’s admirable. At the end of the day, tho, people are going to come to their own conclusions based on what they see, not what they’re told. I, for one, hope that Britney can still have fun, stay safe, take care of her family and put out a kick-ass record. NO MORE CROTCH! It’s really not that hard to accomplish.
This is a mother figure? Poor kids. They don’t stand a chance with the parents they’re stuck with.
>why is she as bald as a 10 year
>old??? what the hell is the
>deal with that??
>Never trust a man who likes it
>bald. He’s looking for a 10year
And you guys never give oral apparently.
That, or ya enjoy picking hairs out of your teeth.
forget about the hair or lack there of…what about the nasty gut hanging over the “10 yr old” baldness? She needs to go back in hiding for a few months like Janet did and come back w/out the baby fat!!! Nasty Azz!!!
Like I said.
This girl needs some band-aids.
And a decent handler for fucks sake!
I say leave the poor girl alone. She is going though soo much in her life, she does not need all the bad mouthing to go with it. So she did not wear under wear…GET OVER IT!!!
The way I see it, if you dread over the things she is doing…FYI..you have no life!!!
brittany spears is so messed up i actually feel sorry for her…sike
see WHAT she did to neicy from moesha took her husband now look at brittany she looks a mess shaved all her hair off HAS TO KIDS, SINGLE MOM and is on drugs with stupid ass PARIS HILTON…. NICOLE RICHE, LINDSEY LOHAN AND ALL THEM RICH CRACKHEADS THEY NEED TO GET THEIR HEAD STRAIT FUCK@N CRACKHEADS……
This is what happens when an untalented person rises to such massive and undeserved fame. Unlike Madonna, Britney was not streetwise and did not have any of the raw talent or one ounce of charisma. She has been the perfect puppet for todays times. If she looked right, danced right, could string half a tune together, this was enough. Manipulated, until she got spoilt enough to start making demands at the sametime.
She’s got everything in the eyes of the shallow world, but in the end she has nothing. She’s not only been worshipped, she’s worshipped herself. Dangerously self obsessed and now we’re pretty much seeing her meltdown.
She’s not to be envied, she is to truly be pitied.
britney spears is going through a rough patch and it is not helping that you guys are bad mouthing her, she went into rehab to get help and do you realise you’re hurting some peoples(in cluding my) feelings? so if you don’t like her keep it to yourself!