We had a source at Cirque de Soleil’s Zumanity show in Las Vegas who told us all about Britney Spears’ visit last weekend. It’s the THIRD time Britney has seen the erotic show and this time she brought a party of eight including her boyfriend Isaac Cohen.They had a whole row to themselves. The source said that Britney looked “spent” from too much partying. But the most revealing info was the fact that Brit’s friends ONLY laugh when SHE does. Whatever Britney did – they mimicked her – if she stood up and clapped- they did the same – if she sat quietly, so did they. With that kind of entourage- no WONDER no one gives her good advice! For the third time, Britney did NOT go backstage and the cast was disappointed.
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Britney shouldv’e stayed with K Fed. If she’s going to hook up with an obvious parasite why not stay with the father of your children. Isaac Cohen, UGGGGH!
Kinda looks like Anna Nicole and Howard Stern.
There seem to be so many people dogging Brit out these days. If you are really over her, stop talking about her! People are so fast to judge someone without even knowing them. Gix your own issues and worry less about others.
hey “still a fan”……”gix” your OWN issues….at least when she was with k-fed she looked like an almost believable careing mother who stayed home everyone once in a while…he has been gone for 3 months and she has had that many boyfriends, puked on most, and was friends with paris hilton….nuff said.
One does not have to “Know” Britney to wonder how an AVERAGE looking girl with NOMINALtalent ever got as “famous” as she is. She is what is WRONG with Pop culture today. She is a mediocre excuse for talent. Of all the deserving talent in this country I am amazed how this BIMBO continues to occupy the media.
Oh yes Britney, yes.
Omigosh yes uh-huh, yup, yup, yup!
Got a new razor yet Britney?
Hard to get those band-aids to stick in that spot I bet…but anyway, yuck!
Preach on Patrick!
i heard that she told the press that she had broken up with isaac before he even knew it…
she has so much money that she can do almost anything she wants. in a way it would suck to be her…she cant fart without it being broadcast on every station for the hungry masses. Really, whatever sick perv went out of their way to angle that magnified lens in her window to get crotch shot of her should be outed as well. Someone needs to take a crotch shot of that paparrazo loser and show the world his one inch dick. lol
Twittney and Issac Bin Laden make a truly foul looking couple.She with her crotch Rot,and him with his,Someone please take my picture smile.Twittneys career is headed for a jersey casino very soon……Oh No!
Twittney and Issac Bin Laden make a truly foul looking couple.She with her crotch Rot,and him with his,Someone please take my picture smile.Twittneys career is headed for a jersey casino very soon……Oh No!
Twittney and Issac Bin Laden make a truly foul looking couple.She with her crotch Rot,and him with his,Someone please take my picture smile.Twittneys career is headed for a jersey casino very soon……Oh No!
Why first brake a home and just to buy “man” herself if there is not even adequate to keep that?
Sounds like a Bunch of free loaders..Who are leaches and two faced back stabbers who are there for the free food and drinks and they are the type of [people that are Monkey see and Monkey do type people) This people take up space and they use each other and they take advantage and this people are just tag alongs and seeing what they can get and holding on for dear life and people like this can be two faced backstabbing bums who will talk nice in your face and later stab you in the back and or Sabotagers who will set you up and let you take the fall later and when your Rich…You never know who is going to take advantage of you and who is hanging out…Because they want something?