Rosie O’Donnell is occasionally the voice of reason, but with Chris Brown she missed the boat. When she jumped to his defense after the window-breaking incident, she insisted “He’s a victim, too.” Rosie said “I just don’t know why this kid seems to be held to a different standard than anyone else.” (PERHAPS, Rosie, he does things most other people – especially celebrities- don’t do!) Rosie seems to blame everyone but Chris for his behavior- like Chris himself does. Why Rosie has a soft spot for violent behavior, we don’t know, but maybe her ex-girlfriend does.

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  1. Okay….ALL of her “screws” are not only LOOSE…they have fallen to the floor and been kicked to oblivion by her rugrats who are running in mad circles behind her because she is too busy worrying about a maniac violent abusive fucked up asshole who can’t even sing, but IS good at grabbing his crotch, (Or maybe trying to search for where his dick used to be).
    Maybe Rosie found his dick because she sure needs one, getting into this crap when her own life is such shit.

    When that colossal LOSER decided to throw a CHAIR and bust a HUGE window in a professional building because he was pissed off (oh, boo-hoo!) someone should have hauled his crazy fuckin ass off to jail, PRESSED CHARGES and gone thru with it. Instead we got Robin Roberts acting like a wet hen the next day and begging the moron to come back on and “talk about it.” REALLY?

    Do they not realize the public HATES this guy and we’r sick to DEATH of all his second chances. The general public would not have been given any of the chances this violent moron has been given and all it teaches HIM is that he can continue to do WHATEVER he wants WHENEVER he wants and all will be well and good, SOMEONE will even pay him afterwards for an “interview.” WHAT a load of CRAP!

    I feel like going down to that building and throwing a chair against a window and busting it all up and then see what happens. Betcha MY ass sits in jail for a while and I have to pay a BIIIIG fine!

  2. Someone needs to connect the intolerance for Chris Brown’s behavior to what Rihanna is currently into: this totally OVER THE TOP and inappropriate exhibitionism and her most recent song that shrieks and whispers her need for “S and M M M” and “whips and Chains” excite her. She is a HORRIBLE role model, but somehow gets a “pass” on all of this because of her dysfunctional past relationship with Chris Brown. FAIL.

  3. She is singing a song, not destroying property and faces

  4. One ugly Dyke,,,,,lock her up with Sam Ronson and watch the slug fest!

  5. Rihanna may be an idiot but she didn’t commit a violent crime, Chris did. Rihanna is guilty of poor judgement at worst. Rosie, like many leftists is willing to excuse any violent or subhuman behavior by a brown person out of white guilt. If Chris were a white guy she would be slamming his sorry ass.

  6. Rosie always looks like she needs a bath and a good hair washing. She is the fugliest bull-dyke en todo el mundo. Except maybe for k.d. lang. k.d., however, I must admit, can really sing. I really think Rosie has lost her mind, and she is losing her live-in lovers faster than you can say jubilation t cornpone. I think her latest partner has left her and after only a few months of L-love.

  7. Rianna is young and attempting to sell “music” by using raw sexuality of a shocking nature. She’s too young to realize the repercussions of this right now. ALL young female music seems to be headed this way, except for maybe Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood, country in general has the higher morals and doesn’t resort to shock video to sell their “songs”.

    WHATEVER Rianna is behaving like or singing about has nothing to do with excusing what Brown has done, repeatedly breaking the law and GETTING AWAY WITH IT. Beating the shit out of her, then going nuts at that building where his interviewer didn’t kiss his ass. I SAW the interview and he looked absolutely NUTS and like he was going to bash Robin Roberts in the head any second. Clenching his teeth and jaws hard on camera and being rude to her. They pass their questions in advance. He just has the shortest fuse, besides Mel Gibson’s, and THAT asshole got away with threatening to kill and bury in the rose garden the mother of his youngest child.
    I’m beyond fed up with these assholes and will NOT be forgiving and forgetting any of them, Charlie Sheen included. Do the crime, do the time. Lindsay and Paris too. Sick of the favoritism of Hollywood.

  8. By the way, Indy, keep k.d.lang out of your mouth when you’re talking bullshit. You don’t have to automatically throw every lesbian you’ve heard of into the fray. k.d. is a fantastic person, singer, writer, and one of the truly beautiful people of the world if you’ve ever heard her speak about anything she supports or loves. She is full of passion and is one of the most brilliant writers we have today. TRY to appreciate that we have a person like her in the world. I’ve NEVER heard of her being on the wrong side of anything, or been negative. How many people can you say THAT about in your “God-fearing world”?

  9. Denise….My gramps collected anything to do with the old L’il Abner cartoons. jubilation t cornpone was one of the goofy songs in the Lil Abner musical. And the word “cornpone” has something to do with homosexuality and it is really rather embarrassing.

  10. ^^^^P.S….A clue: It has something to do with the last word above—– LOL

  11. How old is Chris Brown anyway? 21 22? I think Rosie was referring to CB being abused by his stepfather. Abused children tend to turn into abusers. At least he has admitted his wrongdoing and is trying to atone for it. Maybe people should let him move on with his life. I am not a supporter of domestic violence and don’t condone it in any way, but CB did the time for the crime.

    PS Reta I don’t think Chris Brown has a problem finding his penis Haha

  12. Get over the abuse rap…it has been the same used by many a fag to sue the catholic church when the problem was the responsible person….it is all about enabling and lack of personal responsibility.

    You do not want to leave your daughter alone w/ k d laing, Rosie, Sam Ronson or Queen Latifah!

  13. strom -you mentally challenged idiot! Lesbians do NOT go around attacking/raping/pushing themselves on little girls. Try doing some research asshole, and LEARN something about how the world around you functions before you continue spewing crap you know NOTHING about. Why not call the local GLAD chapter and see if you can come down for a visit and pick up some literature and go home and STUDY IT with an open mind. You’re an absolute fool the moronic crap you continue to spew. Wish I could slap the holy shit out of you, you deserve it! Better yet, send the “black” Chris Brown over to slap the shit out of you! But then, you’d probably DIG THAT!


  15. Wow Janet get out the cat claws, Meow! Does anyone think Reta is Janet’s pen name in the comments section?

  16. Someone needs to hit that repulsive ugly bull dyke over her fat head with one of her stinky croc shoes. Stupid hag always was a bit of a moron. Now she is the queen of the morons.

  17. When Rhianna beats someone and shoves him/her out of her car, then we’ll condemn her, too. In the meantime, Chris Brown is an unrepentant woman-beater, a simple thug. No sympathy for him. Rosie O’Donnell is a crazy person defending the indefensible. If he had beaten a dog the way he beat Rhianna, nobody would leap to his defense.

  18. Rosie:
    CB does Not stand for Choir Boy/Chris Brown.
    Don’t you have some children of your own to raise. CB sent out the memo a few weeks ago that he is a “grown @ass man”. A grown ass man does Not Need you to come to his aid and rescue. Worry about your own children, who are are at the age of Needing parental guidance. Considering the fact that you and your wife are now divorced, and you recently broke up with your latest girlfriend, worry about your own home, and be a better influence for your own little cubs!!

  19. I can never forget that Rosie adopted a little girl, couldn’t deal with her, and gave her back. That tells me all I need to know about her. And why is Chris Brown trying to look like Steve Urkel?

  20. A frightful sight, if you are a woman, is Rosie or Ellen or Queen Latifah coming at you with a mean look and wearing their strap-on!

  21. I don’t like Chris Brown and don’t care what happens to him but I think he was unfairly bated on the morning show. She was relentless taking the converation back to something in his past that has been done a thousand times before. I don’t see how that was an up to date interview. He should have just said “Yes, I am very sorry for that and have been undergoing anger management therapy” instead of trying to stop a freight train of bad publicity.

  22. About Palermo’s comment – I think the State of Florida refused to let Rosie adopt the girl (Mia). I don’t think Rosie didn’t want her. Someone correct me if I’m wrong on that fact.

  23. O’Donnell never has been, nor will she ever be the voice of reason.

  24. “A strap is the sexy choice,” says Rosie Huntington-Whiteley as she launches lingerie collection for M & S (but what about those straps size 20?) watch more on

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