Now that Dolores Hope has passed away, Bob Hope’s massive collection of WWII and Nazi memorabilia worth millions will be sold, and collectors are already licking their chops. The collection has long been housed in a vault in Palm Springs, and it’s legendary among knowledgeable dealers. Hope was in Europe performing with the USO for years, and he was given many souvenirs by the allied forces at the end of WWII. These included personal property confiscated from captured Nazis- – uniforms, medals, weapons, – even Hitler’s stationery. Some of the rare articles – like Hope’s Nazi decanter, were left behind in Hitler’s bunker after allied troops overran it. Bob was certainly never a Nazi sympathizer, but he saw the historic value of the items he collected. Dolores didn’t want to deal with the valuable collection while she was alive even though Jesse James, among others, made attempts to buy it. (Above, Bob and Dolores in 1939 in the S.S, Normandie on their way to Europe.)

About The Author


  1. Patrick, I responded to your acsusations in the Portia/Ellen post so please read it. Don’t know what I ever did to piss you off, but you’re barking up the wrong tree dude. I don’t comment here anymore and won’t be in the future. Peace out.

  2. the word is out: THESE SORT OF CELEBRITIES ARE SORT OF MANIACS, folks!!

  3. Pippa, you are truly a bona fide dumb ass to make a comment like that. Now on to more important matters, it’s a shame that the Hope’s daughter, Linda, can’t arrange for the collection to go to the World War II Museum in New Orleans, which was created by historian Stephen Ambrose, author of “Band of Brothers.” To sell it off in pieces to the highest bidder virtually guarantees much of the collection will end up in the hands of Nazi enthusiasts like Mrs. Sandra Bullock, uh, I mean, Jesse James.

  4. Fascinating. I wish the Hopes would have donated the collection to a museum.

  5. he was also a “handler,” no? In the MKultra. (google Cathy O’Brien)

    His face creeps me out.

  6. Casonia..Happy that little bitch elisa lost and really happy for Paul and he is strong on Desserts but Will was weak in that area and poor Tommy would not speak up but very sexy and hot young man to look at and very yummy too! says:

    Bob Hope is a man that cares and had a great heart and wonderful soul and..he made the world better in so many ways and he is a major blessing to this world and he is a gift to this world.

  7. Casonia..Happy that little bitch elisa lost and really happy for Paul and he is strong on Desserts but Will was weak in that area and poor Tommy would not speak up but very sexy and hot young man to look at and very yummy too! says:

    People from all over the world had massive respect for him and when he died the whole world cried too and he shared his life and love with the world and he really gave as much as he could and…He is a Hero and well missed.

  8. Casonia..Happy that little bitch elisa lost and really happy for Paul and he is strong on Desserts but Will was weak in that area and poor Tommy would not speak up but very sexy and hot young man to look at and very yummy too! says:

    Yes every one is down for a sale and want what they want and it is going to be fun and funny and every one is going to get what they can at any price and…His kids and grandchildren are letting go some items and…It is a good thing for the family… And a Smart move and great direction!

  9. Casonia..Happy that little bitch elisa lost and really happy for Paul and he is strong on Desserts but Will was weak in that area and poor Tommy would not speak up but very sexy and hot young man to look at and very yummy too! says:

    Very Positive to let some items go and move on with your life and get things handled and taken care of and…. Good for america to take items for the and show how it was like and what other people created and… SHOW A PART OF History!

  10. Casonia..Happy that little bitch elisa lost and really happy for Paul and he is strong on Desserts but Will was weak in that area and poor Tommy would not speak up but very sexy and hot young man to look at and very yummy too! says:

    Hope has given us Hope.

  11. Please. ENOUGH with the “Nazi” demonization/fetishizing and assorted BS.

    Too many examples of just as bad or WORSE thinking in the world TODAY:

    Janet “Big Sis” Napolitano ring a bell? Or Michael Chertoff? WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP. ALREADY.

    Oh, but what the hell—something nice: Dolores was quite pretty; looks like Patricia Neal in this pic.

  12. NO, do NOT let Jesse James or any other idiot Nazi sympathizer get their hands on these items so they can idolize them!

  13. Hope was an agent for the British and a sex slave handler here in the U.S. If you want to research further, check out Bryce Taylor’s book “Thanks for the Memories.” All those lovely girls that he took on USO tours were Monarch slaves. The abuse was monumental.

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