It is a rare movie that you walk out of laughing AND smarter than when you walked in. Bill Maher’s documentary “Religulous” is that movie. He asks bold and pertinent questions of religious leaders around the world. And he plays no favorites. All religions (including Scientology) are approached with the same probing queries and the answers will astound and entertain you. Bill is very careful to walk a neutral line – he doesn’t want to end up on a hit list like Salman Rushdie. And Maher presents a powerful argument for keeping church and state separate. This documentary should be required viewing for politicians and students. We’re hoping there will be a Religulous II – there is so much more to investigate.
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LOVE him. Can’t wait to see it. Got a kick outta him telling Sherry Shepherd on The View that’s she’s delusional. Too bad he didn’t say, ‘but you think the earth is flat.’
Fairy tails indeed.
LOVE him. Can’t wait to see it. Got a kick outta him telling Sherry Shepherd on The View that’s she’s delusional. Too bad he didn’t say, ‘but you think the earth is flat.’
Fairy tales indeed.
No way. I wouldn’t pay one penny to go see anything this moron puts out.
I did go see American Carol today – very good!
Time to put the spam filter on again for 1:58 P.M. Anonymous.
“Got a kick outta him telling Sherry Shepherd on The View that’s she’s delusional”
What a rude jerk he is. I too would never
spend one dime on his crap!
I agree with everything he says and have for years…he makes complete and utter sense…if you haven’t SEEN this picture how can you call it “crap”? Bury your head in the sand and pretend not to see or hear, how’s THAT working for ya, as Dr Phil would say? How are you loving all the stoopud wars over the centuries…from/about/over religion? Everybody always thinks THEIR way is the right way, and if you ask me, they are sound rediculous…as Bill says…the man in the sky has time to hear ALL the prayers & voices…but the idea of Santa Claus going round the world in one night is preposterous? PU-LEEZE!!!! I love where he asks the young man dressed up like Jesus why God doesn’t just kill Satan…he says “HE will…” Maher says “Well, why hasn’t HE done it already?” Simple. The fool stands there befuddled.
I agree with everything he says and have for years…he makes complete and utter sense…if you haven’t SEEN this picture how can you call it “crap”? Bury your head in the sand and pretend not to see or hear, how’s THAT working for ya, as Dr Phil would say? How are you loving all the stoopud wars over the centuries…from/about/over religion? Everybody always thinks THEIR way is the right way, and if you ask me, they are sound rediculous…as Bill says…the man in the sky has time to hear ALL the prayers & voices…but the idea of Santa Claus going round the world in one night is preposterous? PU-LEEZE!!!! I love where he asks the young man dressed up like Jesus why God doesn’t just kill Satan…he says “HE will…” Maher says “Well, why hasn’t HE done it already?” Simple. The fool stands there befuddled.
Obviously, Reta, you haven’t read the Bible because the answers are in there. Come Judgment Day, Bill Maher’s version of things are gonna be YOUR downfall.
So, laugh all you want. It might seem funny to you now, but it won’t then.
I agree with everything he says and have for years…he makes complete and utter sense…if you haven’t SEEN this picture how can you call it “crap”? Bury your head in the sand and pretend not to see or hear, how’s THAT working for ya, as Dr Phil would say? How are you loving all the stoopud wars over the centuries…from/about/over religion? Everybody always thinks THEIR way is the right way, and if you ask me, they ALL sound rediculous…as Bill says…the man in the sky has time to hear ALL the prayers & voices…but the idea of Santa Claus going round the world in one night is preposterous? PU-LEEZE!!!!
I love where he asks the young man dressed up like Jesus why God doesn’t just kill Satan…the young man says “HE will…” Maher says “Well, why hasn’t HE done it already?” Simple. The fool stands there befuddled looking like Jesus… hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
I agree with everything he says and have for years…he makes complete and utter sense…if you haven’t SEEN this picture how can you call it “crap”? Bury your head in the sand and pretend not to see or hear, how’s THAT working for ya, as Dr Phil would say? How are you loving all the stoopud wars over the centuries…from/about/over religion? Everybody always thinks THEIR way is the right way, and if you ask me, they ALL sound rediculous…as Bill says…the man in the sky has time to hear ALL the prayers & voices…but the idea of Santa Claus going round the world in one night is preposterous? PU-LEEZE!!!!
I love where he asks the young man dressed up like Jesus why God doesn’t just kill Satan…the young man says “HE will…” Maher says “Well, why hasn’t HE done it already?” Simple. The fool stands there befuddled looking like Jesus… hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
I agree with everything he says and have for years…he makes complete and utter sense…if you haven’t SEEN this picture how can you call it “crap”? Bury your head in the sand and pretend not to see or hear, how’s THAT working for ya, as Dr Phil would say? How are you loving all the stoopud wars over the centuries…from/about/over religion? Everybody always thinks THEIR way is the right way, and if you ask me, they ALL sound rediculous…as Bill says…the man in the sky has time to hear ALL the prayers & voices…but the idea of Santa Claus going round the world in one night is preposterous? PU-LEEZE!!!!
I love where he asks the young man dressed up like Jesus why God doesn’t just kill Satan…the young man says “HE will…” Maher says “Well, why hasn’t HE done it already?” Simple. The fool stands there befuddled looking like Jesus… hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
I agree with everything he says and have for years…he makes complete and utter sense…if you haven’t SEEN this picture how can you call it “crap”? Bury your head in the sand and pretend not to see or hear, how’s THAT working for ya, as Dr Phil would say? How are you loving all the stoopud wars over the centuries…from/about/over religion? Everybody always thinks THEIR way is the right way, and if you ask me, they ALL sound rediculous…as Bill says…the man in the sky has time to hear ALL the prayers & voices…but the idea of Santa Claus going round the world in one night is preposterous? PU-LEEZE!!!!
I love where he asks the young man dressed up like Jesus why God doesn’t just kill Satan…the young man says “HE will…” Maher says “Well, why hasn’t HE done it already?” Simple. The fool stands there befuddled looking like Jesus… hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!
Wow, Reta – Can’t come up with any new ideas?
I HAVE read the Bible, and just like Bill, have studied and learned many things about many religions, I just don’t happen to swallow EVERYTHING I read…do you? The Bible is a book written by MEN….duh!!! Over quite a long time, study it yourself…do you believe there was a talking snake in the garden of Eden too? Do you believe there was a woman made from a rib of man? Do you believe there were men who lived 900 years? The Bible is full of fables, stories written 2 thousand years ago, when things were not easily understood, when they had no science, when they thought the earth was flat, and the sun and moon were gods…people believed just about anything back then…oh, what’s the use, go see the movie with an open mind if you dare…I’ll bet you are too closed minded to even give it a try, you are in fear of finding out your beliefs are rediculous legends written by normal everyday men who followed a man who was different made them believe….which doesn’t make him any more THE GOD than any of the other PEOPLE who came before or after who thought THEY were either, and got others to believe in them and even give up their lives for them….but I can’t tell YOU that because your ears are closed.
No – I’m not bit afraid of my faith.
Why would you even imply that? But you had one thing right, my ears ARE closed to nuts like you.
So, go work on someone else.
another typical religious nutcake…can’t listen to anything but what you’ve been indoctrinated to listen to/believe in…can’t make up your own mind, think for yourself…I feel sorry for you, follwing the herd over the ledge like lemmings, blinding going off one by one where the leader went jumping over the ravine to his death…shove each other aside to be quickest to follow…drink any koolaid lately???? And you call ME a nut!!!???
What I can’t stand about Bill Maher is that he want to spit in my faith because of my faith…not my actions.
I have never push my faith on those who are not believers and yet this idiot gets on his show and bash Gov. Palin because she made a choice to be pro-life.
My mother is pro-life and is a democrat but she would never do want this idiot has done…it a choice and I’m tired of the Democrats bashing me over my head for the choices women make.
It’s the Democrat who have been holding women back…they haven’t walked the walk only talk it.
I would give a dime and I hope the Clerics put a Fatwa on his big mouth.
Good luck Maher your gonna need it in HELL….
I usually don’t get my religion or politics from liberal hollyweird mYsoginistic ugly little trolls.
thank you,
a happy american that paid to see
“An American Carol”, finally a reason to pay for a movie.
We mortals are not supposed to understand all that’s written (by the Holy Spirit) in the Bible. It is given to us in a mystery.
The Gospel is of course…the birth of Christ (God in the Flesh) of the Virgin Mary. His death on the cross at age 33. His burial in a borrowed tomb. His resurrection on the third day. His ascension into heaven after 40 days.
For for grace we are saved by faith and not of ourselves it is the gift of God. Eph 2; 8 & 9
People, for Six Thousand Years before Christ, people worshipped the Goddess. Six Thousand. Me thinks they got it right. They did build the immutable pyramids for crissakes.
I think Bill is pissed at religion because a priest raped him when he was younger. The biggest murderers of teh 20th century were godless societies and dictators. Hitler didn’t believe in religion nor did Stalin. Both had their own religion of hate just like Maher. Bill is a guy full of hate.
Reta, I used to be like you and Bill I used to wonder how and why if there was a God. Then one day my dad got sick, I loved him so much he was my heart, I didn’t want to lose him I knew deep down that God was there so I prayed with all the faith I had every day for 3 weeks then it happened he passed away of course I got a little mad cause he didn’t hear my prayers but then I realized it was just his time to go. Then some thing amazing happened 2 years later The Healing came to me! I woke up one day feeling bad and I layed down and muttered something like ‘Oh God whats wrong with me I feel so sick I just want this pain to go away’ and suddenly a voice from above an angel was praying over me I didn’t understand the language but I knew what was happening because I realized my pain was gone. This is true God exists and Jesus still heals today. How awesome he is!
Well, folks, I went and saw the movie, kept an open mind (I recommend it) and I must say it was FABULOUS!!!! Everyone there was laughing very loudly in all the right places…it IS funny, and also makes you think, and feel great sorrow for what MAN has done to this planet and all the wars raging everywhere. You don’t have to BELIEVE in GOD to know war is wrong, killing is wrong, however the Bible itself teaches to kill, even had a man kill, offer up his own sons for sacrifice, even as God did his own son, and yet GOD SAYS THOU SHALT NOT KILL. You can’t have it both ways folks!!! This is only one of MANY inconsistant things and it is endless.
Whatever, there is no arguing with those who will not see, think for themselves, consider anything other than what they have been told to think and believe. Lemmings…over the cliffs with all of you…mindless drones…
you are a hyprocrit. You say killing is wrong in one sentence and then wish others off the cliff.
I knew if we let you talk long enough, your evil and ugly side would show up.
This is why you won’t win anyone over – you’re full of hate. People don’t want to be persuaded to hate.
Yes that is why i am against abortion.
Glad to see you on board and hope you
will join us and speak out against it…
He’s a FAN of the cruis-es?
Gabriel, only if you believe in hell. Just because you believe in it, doesn’t mean everyone else should.
Ugh, please get these religious loonies out of the comments section. They are absolutely unbearable.
lET ME SEE THIS self hating ultra liberal troll hates women, god and religion ……and the media thinks he is funny …. Is this an upside down world we live in ?
What have we come to when believers are so called haters and delusional. You don’t need to be a bible thumper to realize our media and world has gone mad.
THe markets are collapsing around the world, we need to change our ways and recognize EVIL for what it is …it comes in many forms.
The deception in our media will lead us to global socialist one world government. the people leading us their some dems and some reps, hollyweird, United Nations, Our Press and foreign media controlled by left wing zealots.
BHO and his ilk is also part of the deception.
Global Wareming is also used as a way to control us completely ….it takes courage to combat fascism .
Hey, folks, this is a blog about the movie, remember? Aren’t you people a little off-subject?
If you have any balls whatsoever, I dare you to go see the movie and quit stammering rote that you have been fed for 5 seconds…no, for 90 minutes thereabouts, watch the movie, open your friggin minds, what’s left of them that is, the whole audience I sat with loved the movie and had a blast, what are you afriad of, a few laughs? The movie is hilarious, and I hate to admit it but I actually leaked a bit of urine, and this from a previously emptied bladder, this was how hard he made me laugh. I want to purchase it when it comes out, and I NEVER buy movies…the ending is incredibly moving and brought tears to mine and my friend’s eyes. It is brilliant, and I’m guessing will garner an Oscar, but your lemmings will never understand this as you choose to bury your heads in holes and blindly push forward en mass like a lump of unthinking charcoal. Afraid to even LOOK at something with a different perspective, afraid that maybe, just maybe, your perfect little scenario might pop and it will all be for naught.
Yeah, go KILL someone, then repent, GOD will forgive you and let you into Heaven…SURE…THAT’S a place I want to spend ETERNITY!!! NOT!!! With the OJ’s of the world…? you people can not even think clearly on your OWN “rules”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, Reta,
Such hostility on an anonymous message board.
Get over yourself. Hypocrit, again.
Go back to the basement and put your tin-foil hat on. You’re in your element there.
Glad Reta had so much fun at the movie. She doesn’t want to go to heaven. I hope she remembers how much fun she had at the movie.
Ever heard of free will? God gave us that. You’re squandering yours foolishly.
Maybe you’re just mad that so many people don’t see the HUMOR in this moron and his garbage.
Good luck to you in the afterlife, little Miss “I don’t want to go to heaven”.
Maher is a Mahoo. He is quite an ass.
Guess you morons can read about as clearly as you can THINK for yourselves…and you call ME hostile!?!?!
And NO, I am NOT a hyocrite because I don’t say one thing and do another. And you think there’s something wrong with me because I don’t want to be involved in any so-called “Heaven” as you lemmings term it, that would take the likes of OJ, the murdering bastard, because he might repent on his death bed and get into your pearly gates for doing so? I hardly think that’s a place I’d like to spend eternity…I’ll gladly go where the ones who kept their brains and wits about them went, the thinking folks, the open minded who actually took the time to study different religions, like Bill Maher did, before jumping to uneducated opinions. Get over your uneducated selves…lemmings….
He is great!
The problem that Maher really has with religions is the right and wrong thing. He hangs out Hugh Hefner and the crew don’t want anyone to condemn his lifestyle. He believes religion does that and it bugs him.
Bill is a perverted disgusting pig. Hate him and his irreverent revolting jewish guts.
He’s an old hag with the face of a dead rat. If women go for him it’s cause they’re desperate and hard up for cash.
All you non-believers had better be right about your non-belief. Otherwise, I hope you like endless torment and the fires of Hell.
and let you into Heaven…SURE…THAT’S a place I want to spend ETERNITY!!! NOT!!!/////////////////
RETA.. Don’t worry you will not be spending
anytime in grab your drug of choice
and go back to having fun 🙂
hey buttface…I don’t DO drugs, OR drink OR soke ANYTHING!!! I still have all my grey cells intact, am not brainwashed, and can think for myself, something you lemmings who want to go to “Heaven” obviously cannot DO…you believe in a God who would subject a person (myself) who had never hurt anyone, broke any laws, has always done good for others (DUH, the GOLDEN RULE!!)to the bowels of your HELL for merely the “sin” of not “believing”, and/or praying, ie sinning all week and then saying I’m sorry a few moments on Sunday. I’m afraid any “God” of that ilk is not any kind of God I want a damn thing to do with, you can keep “Him” AND his “Heaven & HELL” too…archaic & primitive beliefs leftover from the time before science when humans could not even comprehend the workings of the stars and planets and have to come up with SOMETHING to keep people in fear (in line) “Law” of some degree, which translated to some type of religion back then, some God thing that the people would blindly follow…even before Jesus…study religions for yourselves and see the similarites going waaay back, if you have the balls to dare & do it, which i doubt you will because you are too busy being “Right” with your head stuck in the deep shifting sands. I pity the fools as Mr.T. would say…now please, all you religious nuts stop preaching at me that I am going to Hell…as long as unthinking morons like you aren’t there I can’t wait to get there!! I hear the blue plate special is quite tasty!!
Hey buttface…I don’t DO drugs, OR drink OR smoke ANYTHING!!! I still have all my grey cells intact, am not brainwashed, and can think for myself, something you lemmings who want to go to “Heaven” obviously cannot DO…you believe in a God who would subject a person (myself) who had never hurt anyone, broke any laws, has always done good for others (DUH, the GOLDEN RULE!!)to the bowels of your HELL for merely the “sin” of not “believing”, and/or praying, (ie: sinning all week and then saying I’m sorry a few moments on Sunday).
I’m afraid any “God” of that ilk is not any kind of God I want a damn thing to do with, you can keep “Him” AND his “Heaven & HELL” too…archaic & primitive beliefs leftover from the time before science when humans could not even comprehend the workings of the stars and planets and had to come up with SOMETHING to keep people in fear (in line) “Law” to SOME degree, which translated to some type of religion back then, some God thing that the people would blindly follow…even before Jesus…study religions for yourselves and see the similarites going waaay back, if you have the balls to dare & do it, which I doubt you will because you are too busy being “Right” with your head stuck in the deep shifting sands.
I pity the fools as Mr.T. would say…now please, all you religious nuts stop preaching at me that I am going to Hell…as long as unthinking morons like you aren’t there I can’t wait to get there!! I hear the blue plate special is quite tasty!!
Hey buttface…I don’t DO drugs, OR drink OR smoke ANYTHING!!! I still have all my grey cells intact, am not brainwashed, and can think for myself, something you lemmings who want to go to “Heaven” obviously cannot DO…you believe in a God who would subject a person (myself) who had never hurt anyone, broke any laws, has always done good for others (DUH, the GOLDEN RULE!!)to the bowels of your HELL for merely the “sin” of not “believing”, and/or praying, (ie: sinning all week and then saying I’m sorry a few moments on Sunday).
I’m afraid any “God” of that ilk is not any kind of God I want a damn thing to do with, you can keep “Him” AND his “Heaven & HELL” too…archaic & primitive beliefs leftover from the time before science when humans could not even comprehend the workings of the stars and planets and had to come up with SOMETHING to keep people in fear (in line) “Law” to SOME degree, which translated to some type of religion back then, some God thing that the people would blindly follow…even before Jesus…study religions for yourselves and see the similarites going waaay back, if you have the balls to dare & do it, which I doubt you will because you are too busy being “Right” with your head stuck in the deep shifting sands.
I pity the fools as Mr.T. would say…now please, all you religious nuts stop preaching at me that I am going to Hell…as long as unthinking morons like you aren’t there I can’t wait to get there!! I hear the blue plate special is quite tasty!!
Hey buttface…I don’t DO drugs, OR drink OR smoke ANYTHING!!! I still have all my grey cells intact, am not brainwashed, and can think for myself, something you lemmings who want to go to “Heaven” obviously cannot DO…you believe in a God who would subject a person (myself) who had never hurt anyone, broke any laws, has always done good for others (DUH, the GOLDEN RULE!!)to the bowels of your HELL for merely the “sin” of not “believing”, and/or praying, (ie: sinning all week and then saying I’m sorry a few moments on Sunday).
I’m afraid any “God” of that ilk is not any kind of God I want a damn thing to do with, you can keep “Him” AND his “Heaven & HELL” too…archaic & primitive beliefs leftover from the time before science when humans could not even comprehend the workings of the stars and planets and had to come up with SOMETHING to keep people in fear (in line) “Law” to SOME degree, which translated to some type of religion back then, some God thing that the people would blindly follow…even before Jesus…study religions for yourselves and see the similarites going waaay back, if you have the balls to dare & do it, which I doubt you will because you are too busy being “Right” with your head stuck in the deep shifting sands.
I pity the fools as Mr.T. would say…now please, all you religious nuts stop preaching at me that I am going to Hell…as long as unthinking morons like you aren’t there I can’t wait to get there!! I hear the blue plate special is quite tasty!!
Janet, why don’t you get your server/site fixed? It doesn’t take entires and then puts up four at once.
On another note, the religious nuts on this site who down me because I am not praying to get into heaven, I notice how nasty you are about Bill Maher’s looks, something he cannot in any way do a thing about, since he was born into that body and face and hair, he hasn’t gone all “Hollywood” and chopped off his nose to spite his face like a lot of folks with money do, lay off the looks, quit being so superficial, or is that in your ?Jesus teachings”? Don’t even answer, because I know it is not, and you folks like to sit in judgement on me, or Bill, who is REALLY being the judgemental persons here? Attacking me, saying I am going to hell, and attacking Bill for his looks, is the height of shallowness…maybe you should pray about your temporary bout with the devil’s weaknesses? HUMMM?
Reta, methinks thou doth protest too much.
Reta is high as a kite lol