
Beyonce is still a PERFECTIONIST and sometimes a stern taskmaster. She and Jay-Z have the honor of opening the Grammy show tonight with their nominated song Part II (On the Run) and she wants it to be flawless. During the final dress rehearsal of their song, Beyonce thought Jay’s performance just wasn’t up to par. According to a witness, she pushed him to do it over and over until he got it RIGHT. And he did!

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. I guess the Grammy’s are for kids now…had so much rap…no thanks.

  2. She looked like a stripper in that number and I don’t get his appeal at all

  3. I’m not a prude but thought her outfit was not appropriate for something on TV like that. Guess I’m getting too old to watch the Grammys. I loved Metallica as I was a big fan, I guess it was 20 years ago. Wow. Time flies.

  4. What performance? Can Jay Z be considered an artist? Get outta here….

  5. It was still awful, as was most of the show. However, watching the dreadfully smarmy and phony Taylor Swift almost get out of her seat only to suddenly realize she hadn’t won anything–now that was priceless!

  6. I don’t get why Beyonce is all that. She is not a good singer and she lately has to look like a stripper in every performance.

  7. It is a super sad day in America when trash like Bey and Jay are approaching billionaire status. They have no class, and money can’t buy it. And P.S….boy is he double fugly.

  8. MissEva…..I can’t stand Taylor Swift. She always sits on the front row at these award shows and jumps up and starts grooving or whatever she calls it. She is pitiful, also tall, titless, gangly and full of herself. blah

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