It looks like there was never much doubt about Beyonce having star potential- the picture on the left shows the singer when she was just 13, in eighth grade at Welch Middle School. Already a knockout. And just a year later she straightened her hair for her freshman year at Houston School for the Performing and Visual Arts. Unfortunately, she dropped out of school soon after and never graduated because her career took off. (Unfortunately for her education, that is.)
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but unfortunately for her: A BLACK ONE IN AMERICA!!
@Abe – she should thank her white genes, end of story
Not really…she is another BLACK who is ashamed of their race and wants to be white.
Many blacks also drop out of HS but not because their careers took off but because of broken families, no father, and a culture that has turned to garbage that doesn’t value an education. It’s why a large % of blacks are unemployed or destitute. Many like to blame others for their issues but it’s their own fault. They have relied upon Democrats and liberalism and look what it has gotten them. Look at the hip hop culture. Is that desirable? Look at Chicago. Look at Detroit. Until blacks get their heads out of their asses and stop using the race card to explain their woes, they will continue to sink lower. Just like Janet’s blog.
You are 100% right but it is not a message most BLACKS want to hear or that Obama wants to make. He want to keep them very dependent.
Instead of making ghetto rappers like Beyoncé or Puffy Combs BLACK heroes point to those who achieved private success via hard work and use them as role models.
Why run from the fact that 50% of BLACK women have and spread herpes and instead find a way to cure it and prevent its reoccurrence.
First of all Beyoncé is not white nor does she have white genes. That is something her Mother probably told her. Second she sounds dumb when she speaks and does not speak for a whole race. I am not sure where the black heroes came from. Because I only follow Jesus. No I don’t go around bashing other races. I live in a city that is mostly Mexican. Where some people say Hispanic if you know anything you know Hispanic is not a race. Most of them are unemployed and have kids out of wedlock. Plus you have the Grandparents raising their kids. There is something in every race no race is perfect. But unlike some I don’t hate anyone nor do I need to hide behind a fake name. But some feel that it makes them brave to be that way. I can only say Karma it comes in all sizes. Make sure your house is clean before you try and clean someone else’s.
Tell whites to stop spreading diseases among the blacks if you want herpes to stop, strom.
Love that nappy hair
Well, I’m going to say something that may not be popular on this site. I am not black. I work for a well known international private equity firm. One of our employees is a black Harvard educated managing director. One night we went out as a group and we made him our designated driver, because he’s one of the most serious responsible people in our group. When we left our mixer, we were pulled over not once, but twice. Being a curious person I asked a few more questions and he said it happens all the time. He called it “driving while black” he told me about growing up and being told by his parents to always drive with both hands on the wheel so that a police officer can always tell he isn’t doing anything funny. He told me so much that us non blacks would not even think about. But if you’re a black person especially a black male, they are almost lessons in survival.
Forget her hair: why does she hold her kid like a sack of potatoes?
JJ, nice story and it sounds like he has learned to deal with it. But it has nothing to do with this thread or Beyoncé’s desire to become white. Instead of excuses BLACKS should do exactly as Herman Caine said “Stop Complaining and get a Job!”. There is not a lot of help wanted for ghetto cruisers.
Storm my point is that even a good black person who works hard and gets an education, in the hands of the wrong police officer, even they could end up with a criminal record that could ruin their life.
Yes, I agree this has nothing to do with beyonce but people were discussing race. In fact, you in particular tend to bring up race a lot. I know it’s your attempt to bait people and get a reaction. But I’m smart enough to know that you aren’t really that ignorant and all you need is a little attention. Have a great day.
Sorry JJ you are looking for attention or to be baited but let’s concentrate on the thread instead of urban legend!
Anyone who is stopped by the wrong policeman can end up with a record. That is another problem and both the police who collar and the DA’s who just want a quick capture both need to be disciplined or replaced.
I ‘de like to rip those stupid wigs off her real nappy head!
Very nappy head!
You stringy head white dogs really need to choke on the next swallow assholes.
The so called ‘Black Beauty’ shows her true colors. Why do 50% of Black women have and spread herpes?