It’s Sting‘s birthday today, but you can bet he still won’t invite Diana Ross to any parties. She upset her Malibu Colony neighbors when she got the gate guard fired because the guy was a big fan and had the nerve to ask her for an autograph. The neighbors, including Heather Locklear, Pam Anderson, Mel Gibson, and Sting, were not happy because they really liked the fellow, who had worked there a long time. Miss Ross is not particularly sociable with the people living near her and keeps to herself. Sting was especially outraged and he worked to get the guard rehired.
Diana Ross Heather Locklear Mel Gibson Pamela Anderson Sting What do you think of that
Diana Ross is a douche bag. And I wonder if the guy was black. Famous blacks never treat poorer blacks well.
Sounds like she’s a royal pain. I don’t know why – she’s pretty much a has-been.