Arnold Schwarzenegger hasn’t changed his habits all that much since the housekeeper’s baby scandal broke up his marriage. He and his son Patrick spent time shopping in Barneys and had lunch upstairs. He left alone and went to Giuseppe Franco for a haircut and they had coffee at Caffe Roma. Afterward Arnold and his male companion drove down to Ralph Lauren where he enjoyed more retail therapy. Typical Saturday. Arnold had hoped to ditch the bodyguards when he left office, but found that he still needs at least one.

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  1. i don’t know what the little blurb had to do with the title of it….other than NOTHING but….

    he has a better chance of being elected gov of cali again……..
    time’s up dude you’ve been SO BUSTED
    you are no longer needed…well, except for child support probably…..

  2. Arnie is a back stabbing piece of shit. I hope all the steroids he took catches up with him soon. The only role model he is good for is for anyone who wants to grow up to be a scumbag.

  3. His only real regret is getting caught. I have no doubt whatsoever he would keep cheating until he was in his grave.

  4. Canucks in five!
    Nothing else matters.
    Not even ex governor, hedonists out shopping.

  5. Poor, poor Arnie. What a horrible life, being loaded, forced to do retail shopping therapy and all while being shadowed by bodyguards. So terribly sad!

    To heck with you Patrick….

    Canucks in 4

    Team Burrows for the win!!

  6. He wants his old life back? You mean the one where he cheated on his wife right and left? Dude, those days are gone.

  7. Sorry Arnuld:
    Your wife Maria is a spokeswoman for the empowerment of women, which means she is Not about to let millions of people see you actually mistreat,degrade,and have “outside children” and a secret life while playing the role of being married and expect her to have a forgiving heart,like Nothing’s happened and come running back into your cheating arms. You are Now officially one of the badd boys who became governor of a state while cheating on your family and actually thinking that you was above it all!!

  8. Arnie not only got a haircut, also a dye job, facial, professional make-up application, manicure/pedicure.

  9. I’m not Catholic, but doesn’t it work this way. One goes into a confessional booth and tells the priest or father something like ..forgive me father for I have sinned. Then they are asked to say what their sins are and the priest give them things to do, such as say 50 our fathers and 100 hail marys.
    If so, Arnie can just keep on confessing and keeping on with adultery and wear a path out the the church. lol.

  10. being a governor or………..STAND UP COMEDIAN?

  11. I don’t understand why so many people discuss how this has ruined his “polical career”. WHAT polical career? His stint as Gov. is OV-AH and he CAN’T be President, so all he was left to do was follow Maria around supporting HER causes. I feel so bad for that whole family and for Arnie too who DID seem to really adore Maria when he talked about her. I don’t think it was just acting because I wouldn’t exactly call him a great “actor”. Anyway, He AND that ugly housekeeper BOTH knew what they were doing to that entire family. Might as well takekn knives out and stabbed them all in the hearts for the amount of pain he’s caused his family.

  12. Arnuld’s ego is alive and well. He truly thinks that time will heal Maria’s heart and all will be forgiven.

  13. After being an actor for decades and then Gov., I think they get delusional and their mind is so screwed up they actually think they are super-human. This goes for multitudes of (***’s).

  14. Either that is an unfortunate photo, or Arnie needs a “bodyguard” to help him get around with his bad knees.

  15. I’d like to rip his spine right out of his two timing body!

  16. Casonia..Hells kitchen does not even know I am alive..Tax payers should pay big time the millionaires should pay 8% for every 100Thousand dollars they have in the bank and that way the world can take care of each other.. Cover up with CPS..They will not m says:

    Being there for your children and having some alone time is the best thing you can do and…They are blessed to have a father who loves them and this son is really nice and kind and thoughtful to open up and be thoughtful son.

  17. Casonia..Hells kitchen does not even know I am alive..Tax payers should pay big time the millionaires should pay 8% for every 100Thousand dollars they have in the bank and that way the world can take care of each other.. Cover up with CPS..They will not m says:

    Love your Boots and your a really nice man Mr Schwarzenegger and hope you had an incredible lunch with your son.

  18. Casonia..Hells kitchen does not even know I am alive..Tax payers should pay big time the millionaires should pay 8% for every 100Thousand dollars they have in the bank and that way the world can take care of each other.. Cover up with CPS..They will not m says:

    Hope you found some wonderful stuff at the store and mostly time is wonderful to spend with your son….Who is on his way to manhood down the road..Life may be full of twist and turns but love last forever.

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