According to our vigilant gossip comrade, CJ at the Star-Tribune, Kim Kardashian and her NBA boyfriend Kris Humphries were seen ring shopping at Tiffany & Co. in Minneapolis last weekend. Of course publicity savvy Kim thoroughly enjoys the idea of starting rumors so they might have done it for a lark. Or maybe not. Kim has made it clear she doesn’t like being single in her thirties so Kris will have to make some kind of move soon.

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  1. More Kardashian news…they must pay well JC. Kim was able to sneak in a black man by going bi racial but it looks like he is being lplayed for the fool. One look at her in any picture and you can see the K’s may have gotten money but they have no idea about class. I hope Kris H. runs away from this quickly.

  2. so the press wants you to believe CRAP?
    so please stay calm: SHE IS JUST PLAYING AROUND!!

  3. Would it be a stretch to think that Kim & Kourtenay are in a race to see who makes it to the altar first?

    Kim & this Kris guy, do seem to make a suitable pair though. Also don’t forget, this guy also shares the same name as KK’s beloved Mother. That surely will score points with the Fam!!

  4. If you don’t want to be single in your thirties, maybe you should think about how you conduct yourself in your twenties and maybe, and this is just a thought, not video yourself having sex with a former boyfriend and then allowing it to be available for public viewing.

  5. There you go. Kris Jenner pimping out one of her kids for a new story to keep them in the limelight (limelight = money).

  6. When will we ever stop hearing about this useless family

  7. I agree with Denise. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

  8. I would guess that they were fooling around, and only because I recently read comments on a sports blog by people apparently in the know, that Kris was quite the player before Kim came along, and I’m not talking basketball. Because her sex tape surfaced in an a manner suspiciously similar to Paris Hilton to be mere coincidence, I can’t help wondering if Kim would ‘accidentally’ allow herself to get pregnant, if that’s what it took to tie Kris down. That line of reasoning normally wouldn’t occur to me, but we’re talking about the Kardashians here.

  9. Many excuses will be made…much like Ben Affleck said of J Lo “Actually she has only had 2 boyfriends before me.” That would be the appropriate joke for Grammy night!

  10. Kim Kardashian is so hairy she has to wax her Uvula

  11. Lettuceprey,
    I stand corrected. : ) You are absolutely correct!!!

  12. Humphries could be the biggest man-whore in Hollywood-land and STILL would have unquestionably more dignity and class than that cheap porn..oops!…I mean, REALITY star.

  13. Like Paris, Kim is starting to fade. Next up are the requisite nude pregnancy pics.

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