Another reason to love Anne Hathaway (as if “The Devil Wears Prada” weren’t enough.) The “Valentines Day” star told British GQ that she and her family left the Catholic church because of their intolerance of homosexuality. When her beloved older brother Michael came out, the family turned Episcopalian. That didn’t work out so well either, but it’s great to see such a supportive family.

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  1. well, fuck her…..
    fuck her FAGGOT-BOY….
    and fuck also her dentures until she’s dead.


  2. Well it’s great that she loves her brother but giving up your religion is kinda dumb. You can support your family and still be catholic, not all catholics are against homosexuality. Most don’t care and ignore the church on that issue because we know the priests are all closet cases.

  3. That lesbian heathen did not ‘give up’ on the Catholic church. She spurned what the Bible says about homosexuality. The Catholic church is one of the most corrupt of all the world’s religions. Priests who are child abusers are even protected by the church.

    Romans Chapter 1, verses 26 thru 32. Those who are not afraid will read it.

    BTW, the Bible came into being a wee tad before the first priest/pope/nun, whatever.

  4. Switching from organized religion to organized religion is the ultimate in hypocracy. If you’re spiritual, great. You don’t need to join a club.

  5. Episcopalian church still uses the same can pretend that God did not speak out against men with men and women with women and pretend it’s not there but if you were really going to show support then they should denounce God..

  6. He is super cute, isn’t he captain america? Just your type. You like ’em young, doncha captain? I know I do.

  7. You’d think Catholics would give up their faith because of the history of abuse by its priests and nuns. Have you ever looked at the reports coming out of Ireland, and now Germany? Not to mention the revelations in the good ‘ol USA. How anyone can pretend these cases of abuse are “isolated incidents” by just a “few” is in complete denial. p.s. No matter what you’ve been told, you are not going to hell if you are not a Catholic.

  8. Priest are not evil. What is evil is the gays joining the priesthood. The RCC needs to do better screening.

    Now that the Episcopalian church has been kidnapped by sodomites, the hathaway family is in the right place.

  9. She left her religion because of what it taught about homosexuality? Her brother has told at least one lie and stolen at least one object in his life.

    The Bible and her religion teach the same thing about those behaviors, that it is sin, so why not leave religion over lying and stealing?

  10. She is as fakey as can be. The faggot brother had little to do with it. Her previous relationship with the crooked Italian is much more enlightening of her character.

  11. Fat Frau, Captain America is not ready to come out yet – it is a slow and delicate process. Be gentle.

  12. Remember this is the same Hollywood that think Roman Polanski didn’t do anything wrong when he drugged and anally raped a 13 year girl.

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