
Angus T Jones, 20, admits he walked away from his 6 million dollar a year job on “Two and a Half Men” to get closer to God! This must have been quite a surprise to his parents, who both have criminal records. Jones became a Seventh Day Adventist and shortly after, decided his series was “filth” and advised people not to watch it. That led to his inevitable departure, and he is now living in Colorado where he lectures about God at churches across the country. Fortunately, he is also taking classes at the University of Colorado and MIGHT come to his senses one day. Of course now he can afford to do whatever he wants, and we hope that includes a good education, before his money evaporates. The switch from TV to God certainly hasn’t improved his looks. (Above left, Angus as Jake, and right, Angus as Seventh Day Adventist)

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  1. I think that it is great. He got himself out of the nasty Hollywood system that has taken so many child actors and spit them out – most can barely function. He is going to school and if this makes him happy then so be it. I would rather see this instead of a Lindsay Lohan.

  2. If he wasn’t equipped to survive in the “filth” industry then by all means he should move along into a “safer” environment.

    Going back to school is a very good thing however unnecessarily burning bridges is never a good idea.

    What happens when the money runs out?

  3. Two and 1/2 Men is just one long, desperate, unfunny pile! The kid’s probably going to be screwed up for life from his short stay in “Hollywood” so anything he does is going to be a little weird.

  4. @Kimberly – u still believe in imaginary friends, dear? Such a shame….

  5. It’s always funny to hear the so called compassionate tolerant leftists liberals like Janet show their intolerance for those who are religious. Janet, you are an intolerant POS with horrible fashion sense.

  6. I assume he didn’t get much of an education as a child actor and that is why he fell prey to Christian apologists. It’s sad, really.

  7. If he saved his money he will be ok but look at ghetto rappers and pro athletes and most don’t.

  8. He’s right-that show is filth. I tried watching it and switched the channel in disgust.

  9. The show was really funny when Charlie Sheen was on it, but I wouldn’t watch no-talent Ashton Kutcher in anything. As for the kid, who cares? The last thing needed in this country is more religion and other mind control.

  10. What’s with the taliban beard? Is 7th Dad Adventist the Mormons? Well, the kid can always live on his residuals if he blows through the millions he made on Men. The kid looks like he’s gone kind of nutty, but whatever.

  11. Good for him for taking responsibility for himself… God Bless him!

  12. Hmmm…Im anti organized religion per se but who am I too judge his choices? Its his life and if it brings him peace and happiness Im all for it! Hollywood aint all that Janet…but it’s not all bad either folks.

  13. Lucky guy.. he escaped Hollyweird and is free and at liberty to live happy.

  14. “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” John 20:29

  15. I agree with Dee Cee! Hopefully, he is investing his money in an intelligent way and will never have to work again. More power to him!

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