Despite the fact that she’s an acclaimed international human rights attorney, Amal Clooney manages to juggle her one and a half year old twins along with her career. Last night George Clooney and his parents were with Amal at a United Nations event in New York where she was honored as 2018 Global Citizen of the Year. (His parents must have been SO impressed.) Today Amal left their hotel carrying Alexander (who resembles George) and Ella (she’s got Amal’s eyes) with no help from a nanny.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Obi nailed it…….such skinny legs…..she really needs to build them up.

  2. Such a role model (and we’ll leave it at that–as any reflexive eye-rolling would surely result in concussion or coma)!

    Meanwhile, the world (sorta, kinda) waits with bated breath for whatever all this set-decorating George and Amal have created is leading up to.

    Of course by now, Clooney assumed he’d be smugly ensconced in an Ambassadorship somewhere (we’re guessing Italy, where his Lake Como retreat has proved to be such a draw for so many comely lads over the years).

    Sadly, his horse didn’t win the big prize, and so for now, G&A have to be content with Globalist claptrap trophies, and the test-tube twins.

  3. Sheesh, eat a potato or something. This woman looks positively skeletal. And that’s not a compliment. Put the kids in a stroller. It would be a lot safer than what she’s trying to do.

  4. Janet, maybe your mind is going soft. Millions of women hold jobs and raise their children…..with no domestic help on a tiny fraction of this beanpole’s assets.

    There is NOTHING admirable about a woman married to a gay guy for the bennies. Where are your values Janet?

  5. Hard to look at the photo w/ those skinny legs; does this woman ever eat? Also… the SHOES… while carrying two babies! Not safe. Cringeworthy!

  6. Wow, do they think they are fooling everyone? Those poor kids. They will grow up not knowing true love and undivided attention from their parents. They will lack for nothing except love and the self-esteem that people feel when they know they are deeply loved by their parents. What selfish people these two idiots are. There are millions of people who would love to have babies and nurture and care for them, and these two ass-hats get twins as an accessory. What a world!

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