alyssa cut.jpg
Alyssa Milano at the HBO Emmy party we were horrified and convinced it was an impersonator. Surely Alyssa would not dress up like a demented cha cha dancer! It just didn’t LOOK like the Alyssa we remember. If not an impersonator, we suspected she had been subjected to a serious and terrifying makeover- perhaps including plastic surgery and dentistry. We’ve always found Alyssa to be naturally cute and not overbearing. Sad to say, it really WAS her and there seems to be no excuse for this flouncy get-up.
NEWSFLASH UPDATE !! Our first instincts were right! We are thrilled to announce that this is NOT Alyssa Milano! Just this morning channel 5 discussed “Alyssa’s fashion disaster” – they were fooled too. This woman has been identified as Christina de Rosa. It’s a relief!

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  1. Hey now. Alyssa is my girl. Don’t blame her for this madness!! This is Playboy model/actress and Alyssa look-a-like(Alyssa is finer than this girl), Christina DeRosa. Janet, you must be sleepy today…

  2. No other reason than fashion to see these predictable and lame awards cause it’s just political propaganda masquerading as entertainment.
    Ratings prove nobody is watching the stuff that elitist critics cream over.

  3. Dr. Ahmad Dilwad
    “the White house will become the Muslim House”
    “Obsession” the movie.

  4. That is NOT Alyssa Milano..come on now, please put your contacts in and try again.

  5. So you got a thing against formal Spanish dress? Cooochi cooochi coo on you and your rotten teefs!

  6. Janet this post is embarrassing. You have named the wrong celebrity. This blog is turning into a comedy site.

  7. This is Christina DeRosa. This exact pic is on her own bio website. I thnk Janet is teasing us, trying to see if we know our stuff. Luv ya, Janet.

  8. This is Christina DeRosa. This exact pic is on her own bio website. I thnk Janet is teasing us, trying to see if we know our stuff. Luv ya, Janet.

  9. Janet you ripped off this post almost word for word from another blog I read.

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