Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Alec Baldwin is no dummy. He rushed his fiancee Hilaria Thomas OUT of New York so she couldn’t read any more about his highly suspicious blonde “stalker” with whom he may or may not have had an affair. He swept Hilaria off to Rome for a romantic vacation and shopping spree. What better way to be distracted from your problems than shopping in Rome? He bought her some nice things and made sure to show a little romance in the street. Good timing.

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  1. I agree with all of you! Rebecca, I was thinking that if it were to rain, that his Grecian formula anti-grey hair gel would start to run and his white hair would start to show…..not sure if there is a wiglet/rug up there yet or not

  2. If she forgives him for screwing his stalker with a trip to Europe…then he got off cheap.
    Run Hilaria Run.
    Look at poor Kim his ex.

  3. he has said he used to die his hair black. it looks brown now.

  4. Mark my words, in less than a year we will be reading about how they aren’t getting along

  5. She should just marry him so when they get divorced she can get a hunk of money from him.

  6. who the heck was Carla? at the end of SNL when he hosted he held up a sign that said …something….”My Carla”….. ??

    and his poor ex Kim? she is gorgeous and a great actress but mental as all get out…she was no day at the beach I’d bet my life….

    and yes his hair looks funky but
    i love Alec. he is Hilarious…..

  7. Yet another 25-year age difference in them. It’s so obvious she is another gold-digger out for trips, money, all she can get, until (big until) she crosses him and she feels his wrath and rage. She should see a lawyer before she marries him and get it in her contract that she gets X amount of money if he slaps her around. But if they break up, there will always be another gold-digger just around the corner that will put up with abuse to be wined and dined, etc.

  8. @Christine India

    STOP being a sexist piglet! ALEC is the phony baloney this is a STAGED relationship…HE hired HER. SHOWMANCE!

  9. I can’t stand this no talent bully. If she had any sense she’d learn from how he treated Kim and his poor daughter.

  10. Looks like they were dressed by their stylists. No one walks around Rome in heels.

  11. Yes, because the bad press don’t have passports or know how to book a flight to Rome.

    The way her hand is lying on his arm says “WTF are you doing”.

  12. She looks like his daughter. How long will she be able to deal with him and his issues? Probably not long. Already she has to run away from her yoga business and hide. Someone more mature would probably not like their life being redesigned but I guess being young she doesn’t know any better, i.e, Billy Joel and his Kathy or whatever his ex-the chef’s name is.

  13. Christina what is wrong with being dined, wined, shoppping sprees and travel? Especially with someone who has money and dont mind spending it. She doesnt mind when he sticks it in so why
    should she mind fabulous splurges from him? Showmance, so what, shes young and having fun.

  14. Diandra I dont think billy joels ex young wife never looked like she was never in to him.

  15. Mel, stop calling people names,other posters, and get off your high horse. You critizie hollywood people for their cosmetic procedures, then knock minnie driver for her honest body. you are phony, and mean spirited. go back to your empty office where no clients are waiting for you.

  16. at Hello: I agree up to a point. Kim B had a great time with him too and thought she would have a great life with him. Until suddenly he turned and showed his true colors.

  17. he did the right thing:

    well……..sort of.

  18. Whenever I see Hilaria, she has a look on her face as if to say, “Look at what I bagged.” If he were Alec Baldwin, general manager of Walmart in Teaneck NJ, she wouldn’t be with him.

  19. I would never sleep at night married to this guy. He has serious anger issues.

  20. Mel, looks like Joe told you off. You must be a miserable person. Get lost loser.

  21. BTW to his credit strom never calls other posters names, so there you are mel, one down from strom. bite that!

  22. Blind Item November 29, 2011

    ” This A list television actor who does movies but would be a B in movies is not seen as much with his new girlfriend. Reason? He yelled at her at a dinner party in front of people and called her an idiot for her views and for not being informed.”

  23. Waving to my Stans. Do you know what an internet Stan is? Often they are crazed fans but in this case they are stalkers/chickens who start trying to gang up on an Independent thinker such as me.

    Joe and !!! are the same loser STAN. Keep reading and watching, kiddies. Alec is a tired bitter ol’ closet case. Anyone defending him is on the payroll or quite stupid.

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