Alec Baldwin doesn’t look at all bothered by the fact that this equestrian act from the Big Apple Circus appeared on the Letterman show with him. When he was still married to his animal activist wife Kim Basinger, he didn’t think animals should be used for entertainment and he testified to the city council that the use of carriage horses in the park should be banned. Nowadays, he appears a lot more tolerant.

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  1. Alec no longer has the “CLOUT” he used to have. He is a C-Lister now, not an A-Lister as previous. Nobody gives a #@%^ what he thinks anymore. Being married to KB doesn’t hurt either.

  2. Come on Muffin, Alec has not been A-list for a long time. And he moved up the Hollywood food chain as a cast member of 30 Rock.

  3. I know lots of folks dislike him after his leaked phone call to his daughter, and I totally get that. But I have to admit, I love his Jack Donaghy character on 30 Rock and he’s great when he’s on Letterman, or TCM Essentials. I still can’t believe he’s the same skinny little dude from Beetlejuice. It was years before I put two and two together…

  4. Hey I have no prob with a deeply closeted creep such as ALEC (LOOK at his GAYFACE can’t hide it, it’s biological: Eddie Murphy, Will Smith Tom Cruise, Ryan Seacrest, John Travolota, Justin Bieber, Kanye West, Dr.Dre, NeYo, George Clooney-YOU GET THE IDEA).

    Could give a damn that Alec is an angry ol queen. It bugs me that he’s a child/wife abusing misogynist.

  5. Mel, while I am still processing your list, I do now wonder about Alec’s sexuality after your point about his rage – it could very well be caused by his being closeted all this time. And, if he is gay, having grown up in a working class Irish Catholic family, with several brothers, would make the situation worse. This just makes him a more a sympathetic character as far as I am concerned.

  6. No doubt he is talented. However, he is an angry bitter man that is lethal when agitated. He has such a horrid nasty personality behind the scenes.

    If he is truly gay like many many people suspect, then I should think he would be a much happier person if he came out.

  7. Hey “SebastianCanada”, maybe I was wrong. YOU, are the only one who gives a @$$% about Alec Baldwin. If you had read the article, you would have noticed that it said, “When he was still married to his animal activist wife Kim Basinger”. He WAS an A-lister then.
    Get with the program “SebastianCanada”.

  8. Saw the headline, thought this post might be Sarah Jessica Parker-related…

    *stumbles off*

  9. Here we go again…EVERY MAN uder every rock is gay according to THIS site’s readers…WOW!!

  10. Sorry Muffin, and Janet, a great many people would disagree with you on that one.

    Toward the end of his marriage to Kim, Alec began to bloat. Kim, who is vegan, kept Alec on a strict diet at home, or when in her presence, but Alec allegedly would take every opportunity to grab some greasy fast food.

    Alec was an A-lister before the bloat set in, OK. Then his career dipped for a bit, and THEN he career took an upswing.

    Maybe I am splitting hairs.

  11. Sebastian, a voice of reason.

    To the naive. Memba high school? Drama, and glee clubs … filled to the brim with GAY MEN.

    K, so Hollywood is full of actors and we are to believe that just a handful are homo???

    Folks sure are naive. Tom Cruise’ people thanks you dimwits.

  12. Mel, so true. Seems there are two types of guys in acting – 5 to 10 percent are horn-dogs who got into acting to meet lots of women (and practice the 4F rule), and the other 90 percent or so are the guys who would love to blow those horn-dogs.

  13. Indy, “bi-polar”! There is a really dirty joke in there somewhere, but I will stick to my standards and take the high road yet again.

  14. Toward the end of their marriage Kim B. seems to be going over the edge and we all know that Alec has serious anger problems. He did to a couple of good films. But I would only call him a B- listers.

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