Our intrepid colleague CJ, who writes for the Minneapolis Star Tribune, sent us this sweet video of Frostie the cutest baby goat in the world that she found at Gawker. Frostie who happens to resemble our dog Elvis. We cannot resist sharing it with YOU!
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I don’t quite understand this post Janet. According to your website “I’ve reported celebrity gossip for over 30 years, so I cultivated many reliable sources. Hopefully, you won’t find my scoops elsewhere on the web. I don’t pick up stories from other websites.” Yet here you are posting about a Goat which has nothing to do with Celebrities. Quite Strange unless you are trying to share the YouTube revenue for visits to the Goat Video.
why not boil that leg?
……………….or throw him off a cliff?
Unlike the bitter Amy and Abe, I, for one, appreciated this video. Thanks for sharing. I wonder if gossip column readers have a difficult time appreciating anything but negative or smut oriented articles. Says so much about them.
JCH may not pick up news from other websites but she sure reprints many Press Releases by the Kardashians and J Lo and calls them “news”. Got to keep the web host account paid up!
I thought it was sweet! And a happy story! Amy and Abe’s responses were un necessary. What kind of person’s heart isn’t warmed by a cute litte goat making a come back ?
I agree with Daisy…it’s nice to read a cute story every once in a while. sheezzzz, haters.
This goat died two days ago.
Yep, Frostie died.