A lot of fuss has been made over Adele’s weight in the past year. Karl Lagerfeld famously remarked that the 24 year old singer was “a little too fat- but she has a beautiful face and a divine voice.” It was not a kind thing to say, but it was absolutely true. The singer has always been defensive about her size saying “I’ve never wanted to look like a model on the cover of a magazine. I represent the majority of women and I’m proud of that.” (We don’t believe THAT for a minute!) This was followed by rumors of Adele hiring a trainer, taking pilates, and becoming a vegetarian. Magazines tracked every pound lost and gained. It’s hard to have your weight struggles observed by so many. If Adele doesn’t think she’s too heavy she should ponder this: for seven months NO ONE noticed she was pregnant! That fact speaks for itself.
Adele Baby Karl Lagerfeld Pregnant Weight
Weight, weight, weight…the older you get the worse it gets. Once she has that baby, then she has a whole new set of weight problems! My ex sister-in-law was a big girl like that and she kept her entire preganacy a secret. Just one day..*poof*..she had a baby. Nobody noticed her pregnancy.
Oh leave Adele alone, at least she has talent, unlike the majority of people featured in the celeb gossip. By the time she gives birth she’ll still be smaller than Jessica Simpson was.
for americans this is no hard job at all: JUST MAKE SURE YOU’RE AS A FAT AS HELL!!
(nobody will notice)
Janet that’s a bit harsh.
Janet, that’s just wrong. Even with heavy people, you’d notice a seven month pregnancy. And everyone thought she looked noticeably slimmer at the awards and commented on her dieting. She’s been trying to hide the pregnancy because of the weird circumstances with her boyfriend and because she really hasn’t been with him very long, which wasn’t smart of her. It sounds better to be 3-4 months pregnant than 7 months, with someone you’ve not even been dating for a year and who may still be married. Come on, Janet. Adele is not obese and YOU sound like you should be writing for Skinny Gossip. You’re better than that.
Whoever wrote is of course complete retard…
Hilarious stuff and pathetic…
I hope the lovely and immensely talented Adele doesn’t read any of this garbage. She is a young lady of 24 and such talk is hurtful. I thought she looked beautiful at the awards show. My wife & I love the lighter shade on her.
i read this site all the time and i will never be back…i have an 8 year old daughter…so i’m supposed to tell her that it’s not enough to be gorgeous and supremely talented and witty but you can’t be happy unless you are SKINNY too…you should be ashamed, can definitely tell you’ve been in hollywood too long
that post is an embarrasment
She looks like catherine deneuve.
I have to chime in with the others. This post was overboard harsh. Shame on you, Janet. She is gorgeous and more talented than any other singer out there today. Stop with the weight bashing!
I never heard of Adele until a few months ago when she was singing on some show. She does have a good voice. I do think she is less than thrilled about being overweight; (do 3 push-ups a day, up and away from the table). lol
PALERMO: What you said was so darned funny:…….(Jessica Simpson IS pitiful and terrified of losing her parasite unemployed lover.) lol
The girl is definitely too young to be so heavy, but she does have a cute face. The nose job really helped. By the way, having babies is NEVER an excuse to remain fat ever afterwards. Just look at Heidi Klum, Giselle Bundchen and so many, many others. It’s just pure sloth and laziness not to get one’s figure back!
Eliana is correct. I was a little surprised to hear she was 7 months pregnant when at the Grammy’s it was said that she’d only been with the new boyfriend for a bit. But those things happen.
As for whether or not people would or could notice, people “show” at different stages regardless of their original size. I didn’t “show” until 5-6 months, and had a friend who no one knew was pregnant until a few weeks before her daughter’s birth. She thought it was funny that no one noticed and she didn’t tell.
And then you have those professional gossip people who are ever on the alert for the slightest “baby bump”, real or imagined. Adele was simply not on their radar screen.
janet, you’re a bitch!
She looks perfectly fine. Leave her alone. She’s a breath of fresh air.
It’s true that there are women who you can’t tell are pregnant until towards the end. I worked with someone who when she got pregnant nobody noticed because she always looked pregnant. After she had the baby and months later, she said somebody asked her if she was pregnant and she said “NO I’m just fat!”.
You know I like it when fat chicks sit on me and squish donuts. Boston creme and Strawberry filled are my favourites. I was wondering if there are any women on this site that would be interested in doing that to me? But none of the weird ones, okay.
Well Janet is feeling pretty perfect!
I agree with Natalie Janet . Your thinking because she is a full figured woman that she could not possibly be happy with herself . That is shallow and very unkind . She is beautiful and very talented . Maybe you should take a look at your picture on here … Maybe a hair color change and some clothes from this decade would be good .
That’s what I miss about radio (pre-MTV, video) you got to hear the singer’s voice, their true talent minus the smoke & mirrors of today’s illusions. Who cares what a person looks like, it’s what’s inside that counts. Adele can sing, all the more power to her.
I hope she has a healthy pregnancy and baby then if the partnership with this guy works out, okay, if not.. she is well able to care and provide for it.. those Brit gals are not easily breakable about affairs and having children out of wedlock with married men who already has a child anymore..
And I suppose YOU are the epitome of physical perfection? You know, some of us don’t measure ourselves or the people we like and admire by a stinking scale. Or measuring tape. So Shut the hell up, Janet.
Janet, you are an awful person for continually picking at women’s weight.
adele revamped her image.
her older pics feature a pasty, unkempt and yes, oversized female who does not resemble the glamourous chanteuse in the photograph above.
that said, we all can’t be a size double zero and some people DO look better with a few extra pounds on their frame.
wow i guess u have a problem with people who have a few extra pounds. I love that a lot of the comments are about you being bitchy with really bad haircolor and your clothes suck! Well u do suck!!! Adele is awesome and you not so much! Didnt the Enquirer can you?
I’m not bothering to read comments on this one because I REALLY APPRECIATE Adele for not making us SICK of her…like some stars would have 2 days after they became pregnant.
Adele has class and as* and should be proud! My Momma had both and still got picked up by University students in her 50s. Size does not matter. Personality does 🙂
I confirm. I join told all above.
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