A few months ago during Grammy week, Soho House employees were gleefully gossiping that an adoring waiter had snatched a wad of chewing gum off Britney Spears’ plate and he planned to take it home and frame it. (Britney sticks gum ON HER PLATE?) Apparently management heard the story and didn’t think it was funny at all. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the whimsical waiter was fired! It’s a shame…
Britney Spears Chewing Gum Soho House
bummer, Strom lost his job
Disney worked this slackjaw to insanity. Now her Jewish management have her heavily medicated so they could use her even more.
so throw up on the plate next time?
keep stuff to yourself.
There’s something so classy about a 30ish woman chomping on gum. And the fact she places it on her dinner plate shows breeding. At least she didn’t stick it under the table.
lol@ the first comment.
this item made my skin crawl.
I’m a gum chewer but this is too much!