Madonna HATES to admit she needs help with anything, but she had no choice when she wore her highest heels to run errands in the meatpacking district of New York. She was teetering dangerously on the cobblestone and uneven sidewalks and had to hold onto both guys and cars to get around.
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Dumbass. Totally sounds like her big ego self.
dumbass is right
Wait til she snaps one of those old ankles. It will not be a pretty sight. She’ll be reduced to using a sedan chair, toted by Baby Brahmin and another twink.
when you were disabled & couldn’t do a single thing but now you can almost do everything again, physical help is “Not Done”.
Wait, I’m younger then her and I would need help too. Cobblestones and heels do NOT mix well.
Stupid, demonic, old hag.
The Daily Mail showed her in this outfit and zoomed in on her hands, which looked like a crone’s and which is why she normally wears gloves. You can nip and tuck until you run out of money, but inside you will still be old. I’m in the same age bracket, I fell on my kneecap last year, and those stones would have me crying. Fact facts, nobody lives forever.
Why doesn’t the wretched old prune give it a rest already? We all know she’s 55. Why can’t she age gracefully like Joan Collins?
This woman is a disgrace to all women and ALWAYS has been. From the very beginging she played on race, sexuality and religion(she happily married homophobe Guy Richie) to get attention at ANY cost. Many working women in higher positions are forced to dress a certain was to gain acceptance to higher power positions. And her? She has millions almost a billion and she promotes a pathetic “hooker look” and victim fashion(these shoes destroy womens feet) not because she has to but because she is desperate for even more attention. What a loser.
She could break a hip
her time is up, why can’t she accept that.
I hope she doesn’t fracture an ankle.