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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Hands down, worst dressed celebrity this week is Nicki Minaj. And it’s not even a Halloween costume! It’s just tacky – from the baseball cap to the stonewashed jeans with boots attached. We prefer Nicki in her tutus.

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  1. gogo


    How much plastic surgery has that person had?!? Even her BUTT looks CGI’d in real life!

  2. DesZ

    That’s my baby!!
    *On the hush*
    What should I wear now boo?

  3. strom

    just trash ghetto

  4. mnature

    Thats why she spends sooo much money on security

  5. dark sided

    She sucks but so does Lady CaCa.

  6. strom

    just ghetto trash!

  7. samo

    Shes disgusting,She has like 1000 different wigs and claims to be a barbie doll.
    Pretty soon people are going to buying nicki and kens in the stories
    What is this world coming to..

  8. Rebecca

    bla bla bla bla
    All yall do is rag on her ALLLLL DAY
    get a F’in life

    Nicki we love you!!!

  9. NuNz

    I love her outfit
    I cant stop stairing!
    Whens her next concert??
    Macys here I come!!

  10. Denise

    @Bluejay, it must be Halloween. The usual suspects on this site (with the exception of Forrest/Steve Canyon) are for the most part literate.

  11. Steve Canyon

    lesbians won’t need clothes for licking.
    ……….. RED BULLS EYE, folks!!

  12. Bluejay

    Lots of unintelligible nuts.

  13. SorL

    Love youuu!!

  14. karma

    janet you truly suck. Have you taken a look at gaga’s halloween costume? you are really strom, right? right.

  15. speshial htz

    We’ve already talked about this
    It will never happen
    She Wont like you
    trust me I know
    here talk to my bitch
    *passes fun*

  16. me

    After I talked to ju and harnt they immediatly
    changed there picture the same day.
    Were expected to hang out this weekend.
    I know where I stand at with them.

    Answer me this where do I stand at with you??

  17. strom

    Maybe to you, Alex, because the message in the 2nd (true) one is news hits to close to home for you!

  18. Daniel sanchez

    Hey do u think u could pleas go to my page and vote for Brandon by clicking on the link and typin his name and email in all info on my page thank u also if u could like my post when u do it thanks

  19. Bongo

    Look at me please, look at me,please look. Please.Please. Look at meeeeee

  20. Alex P

    the first Strom post, actually makes more sense than the second !

  21. strom

    Previous post was the little imposter.

    This picture shows the look of success and desire for the BLACK race. Nicki with the fake hippo ass and breasts is the true queen of their dreams. Why work, why even look for work when you can spend the day trying to look like this.

    This trash is why all other races pass the BLACK’s like rockets. Hope & Change, Barack is here!

  22. imgeorgewill3

    Is this a REAL woman? She looks like a bad drag queen! Hands down the tackiest, ugliest most disgusting publicity whore in the business! And there are PLENTY just like her – but she takes the cake! This woman has no class, no talent and is just plain ugly.

  23. SorL

    Fix your outfit pleassssee

  24. Strom

    BLACK lesbian BLAH BLAH fluids enablers BLAH BLAH Obama island anal BLAH BLAH fluids liberal Opra BLAH BLAH dyke knarley herpes BLAH BLAH anal fluids Kayne BLAH BLAH Morgan Freeman BLAH BLAH Seal breast anal caboose BLAH BLAH homo man sandwich lesbian BLAH BLAH


  25. speshial htz

    Shes looks cute!
    Very old scool
    I like her new look better
    But I’d still rock it!