Colin Farrell is baaaack in town and he’s on the prowl again! Colin, looking scrumptiously scruffy in a black t- shirt and jeans, wasted no time at the Lava Lounge tiki bar in Hollywood. He LOOKED like he was listening to the jazz band and sipping from a bottle that looked like beer, but actually he was making eyes at a slim brunette named Tawny, seated with a group of her friends nearby. He whispered something in her ear and she got up and followed him to a corner table. There they had a long touchy feely conversation and he had his arm around her and his leg tossed over her thigh. At closing time Tawny told her friends “We’re going out for coffee – see ya!” and they exchanged knowing glances as she walked out with Farrell.
He looks like a Muppet. Yuck.
Nothing but a hound dog.
These girls need to get some self respect. Why would they want to be a one-night stand? It screams “slut.”
Hope Tawny’s got access to some strong antibiotics — she’s going to need them after being w/ that pig.
He is certainly a hound – but a damned good-looking one! Too bad…
If she has herpes, she won’t have to worry. Colin won’t infect her with his.
Meth use, boozehounding, STDs, a baby, bi-sexual, what the hell doesn’t CF have??
Time to read what we think about him? 🙂 Love Colin, love his movies, hope he’s got a hold on life so that he can be the dad that his son needs.
Do I even care?
what ever happened to his new baby?
which new baby?
He’s bi?
Love this little horn dog! Woof.