The good news is that Nike offered Guy Ritchie a job directing a series of short movies starring their wide variety of workout gear. It’s a great opportunity to show off his creativity and they’re paying him a whole lot of money. Everything was fine until the Nike people started dropping hints that they’d love to have his workout fanatic wife Madonna involved in the project. Somewhat embarrassing for the accomplished director, but Guy’s giving it a try and it will be interesting to see if Madonna cooperates.

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  1. JCha isn’t that an ancient photo from when Her Madgesty broke her collarbone and wrist?
    btw Guy is HAWT,

  2. Madonnas daughter looks like a she wolfe.Take that hairy girl and get her waxed.When is that old bags new cd coming out?

  3. Lady Peppermint,you are an idiot.shut your pie hole.madonna rules.

  4. Madonnas vadge is dryer than the desert,but still smells.

  5. Actually that’s just Guy voluntarily transferring any remaining residue of his drive, talent and creativity directly into his wife’s body.
    She had his nuts in a sack before his signature was dry on the pre-nup.

  6. I really enjoyed all his bmw adverts – so i am looking forward to seeing his nike adverts – with or without the wife.

  7. Janet we were bored by Madonna when her career died in 1986. Please let her R.I.P.

  8. She’s beginning to look like Priscilla Presley – same surgeon??

  9. Question: Who has the biggest gap between the two front teeth: Letterman or Madonna? Anyhoo, I do not like Madonna, never have, never will, she is a filthy Britney french-kisser. If someone writes saying they like this skag, I am going to go to my punching bag and knock the hell out of it for 30 minutes.

  10. Richie is whispering. Eh? What does it matter who makes the majority of the dough? Keep making me richer sweetie and I promise when you die I will enjoy the wealth and widower freedom throughly and always remember you in a fond and gentle manner.

  11. Does this mean he will not get the job if her Majesty is not in the ad?

  12. Madonna’s heard it all before and SHE can take care of herself

  13. Again, the troll @8:45 is doing a poor job impersonating me cause I am connected and interesting and sadly, it is not.
    A dead give away is the STALKER TROLL has poor puncuation lazy grammer and doesn’t capitalize words for instance,it’s The Castro you silly jealous troll.

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