Don’t know about you, but if we never saw Heather Mills’ whiney face again, we’d live happily ever after. Her exhausting divorce from Paul McCartney netted her 48.6 million and she’s STILL not happy. Her unpleasant behavior and endless nasal complaining during the divorce proceedings made her an unpopular person, to say the least. So WHY did somebody already hire her to be a judge at the Miss USA Pageant in Las Vegas? She’s no beauty expert and we’d rather the job went to an American. Our only consolation is the fact that beauty pageants are so tacky and antiquated – they’re not much to brag about.

About The Author


  1. She’s bi-polar and in need of medication she ought to be happy to have gotten out of the divorce alive, Princess Diana had that nasty “accident” while dating a Muslim, Heather angered an entire nation by shaming their hero, she’s luck to be breathing!!

  2. That’s horrible thing to say to get out of a marriage is kill the wife, if that is case good for oj, shatner, and blake.

  3. Think of it this way. Paul is way better off being single. As there are tons of young ladies who will tend to his needs and never complain or ask him – where he been or what’cha doin.
    I’m surprised Clapton wife doesn’t have any girl friends or maybe Paul just ought to visit his rehab and doing some salt water fly fishing.

  4. What do you wanna bet, the only reason he married her was because he felt sorry for her.
    He was light hearted, had he listen to his friends – he would be a helluva lot richer.
    Apparently Paul has a good heart and thought this gal was another Linda. If that guy had any lick of sense he’d go to Japan and play a few shows there.
    Course, what does Paul like to do in his spare time ?
    Play his guitar or sing Karoke. (wonder what his favorite songs are?)

  5. Say, doesn’t Donald Trump own that Miss USA pageant ?
    Imagine, if Paul was a judge !

  6. Why is she complaining ?
    NO SEX in along time, like Janet.
    “unpleasant behavior and endless nasal complaining”….
    Sound to me like she got lazy sitting on the “Sophie” watching her soaps and was too busy compairing herself to other women vs just being herself.

  7. So, you are anti-feminist, a frantic fan of Paul.. or you wouldn’t be so silly on accusing this woman Janet. This woman was legally married to Paul and had his baby, she didn’t leave him after years of troubles and selishness on his part. He mentally and physically abused and humilated her during the marriage without worry.. then in a snit of listening to his uppity children wanting all the inheritance, stupidly dumped her and abandoned her and the child publically, not caring about their lives, without funds and guards to protect them. He’s always been a stinky, selfish, freaky, miserly louse abusing his dying wife from his first marriage too.

  8. Paul is a miserable wife-beating alchoholic pr**k.
    He should have to pay more. What a w****r dragging her through the courts, he was warned to get a pre-nup – he didn’t listen. He should have been a gentleman and sorted it out, if not for someone he loved and married, but for his young daughters sake.

  9. excuse me janet
    but being angry cause shes getting a job and shes not american?
    how narrow-minded and disgusting of you

  10. Janet, your mean spirited remarks about this poor woman are not needed. Sounds like you are a tad jealous. Little green monster getting the best of you?

  11. Everyone should boycott watching the pagent this year. Hopefully Heather will learn she is nothing!!!

  12. News-flash…..If she got $100 million, she would still be miserable: You can’t replace your leg. Plastic surgery can only do so much. You can’t force the USA and the UK to like you. Besides that, if she ever does date again, she will never know if he really likes her or is just a con-man trying to get her $$$. Would not want to be her.

  13. Fake leg and huge bank account make strange bedfellows.

  14. First of all Mr Paul might not be the saint people think he is. Second. The Miss USA PAGEANT gives College scholarships ten fold to women & third. If you want to take issue with foreigners stealing our jobs & opportunities – look no further than the Oscars and “American” Idol. We f-ing GIVE this country away every day to leaching foreigners and it pisses me off. Americans are stupid and way too generous – we squander opportunities to foreigners ALL the time.

  15. First of all Mr Paul might not be the saint people think he is. Second. The Miss USA PAGEANT gives College scholarships ten fold to women & third. If you want to take issue with foreigners stealing our jobs & opportunities – look no further than the Oscars and “American” Idol. We f-ing GIVE this country away every day to leaching foreigners and it pisses me off. Americans are stupid and way too generous – we squander opportunities to foreigners ALL the time.

  16. First of all Mr Paul might not be the saint people think he is. Second. The Miss USA PAGEANT gives College scholarships ten fold to women & third. If you want to take issue with foreigners stealing our jobs & opportunities – look no further than the Oscars and “American” Idol. We f-ing GIVE this country away every day to leaching foreigners and it pisses me off. Americans are stupid and way too generous – we squander opportunities to foreigners ALL the time.

  17. First of all Mr Paul might not be the saint people think he is. Second. The Miss USA PAGEANT gives College scholarships ten fold to women & third. If you want to take issue with foreigners stealing our jobs & opportunities – look no further than the Oscars and “American” Idol. We f-ing GIVE this country away every day to leaching foreigners and it pisses me off. Americans are stupid and way too generous – we squander opportunities to foreigners ALL the time.

  18. I think she deserves every penny. That’s what he gets for being a perv and wanting p.ssy younger than his/Linda’s daughter Heather. And yes I believe this Heather that he was abusive. I’ve read several accounts how he abused Linda since the beginning of their marriage she just kept quiet. This was his Karma coming to collect.

  19. Better for Heather to get the money than that obnoxious Stella with her super tacky fashion sense. How in the hell is Stella categorized as a premier fashion designer in such a short period. Daddy’s money that’s how. That crap she designs isn’t even good enough for Target or Kmart if you ask me.

  20. 50 Mill is peanuts for a Billionnaire. No Paulie sympathy here…

  21. 50 Mill is peanuts for a Billionnaire. No Paulie sympathy here…

  22. ANYTHING to get this peg-leg attention-whore to SHUT THE HELL UP.

  23. John Delorean was never satisfied with what he had.

  24. Heather Mills is hell-bent on bringing down the image of beloved Beatle McCartney in the eyes of the British public.
    The problem? Paul’s judgement and image was already in the crapper ever since his decision to marry HER.

  25. How do you know Paul abused Linda? Do you have any proof? I have never read or heard wehre he did durinf the years he was married to Linda.

  26. Guess heather has some time on her hands to come here and slag Paul and former family members. I guess she needed a break from counting all that cash she just won.
    49 M and she’s still a miserable cow. Anyone who receives 49M without having earned it, needs to shut the hell up, period. There is no sympathy, none.

  27. some americans are so ridiculous thinking jobs should be awarded to them just because they are american, if americans really want a job then can go pick fruit of cotton.
    have fun. 🙂

  28. I read Linda kept journals where she mentioned P’s abuse so P destroyed them.

  29. On a recent “Biography” (the show) they talked about how after the Btls split Paul was depressed and drank alot and how it was a dark time in his marriage and that he took it out on Linda. Heather also said that he was abusive when he drank. Coincidence? I think not.

  30. Paul would be WISE never to marry a woman again.
    Listen to them, how shallow.
    Like they say, why buy a COW, when you can get the milk for FREE.

  31. Or for an nominal cost.
    Way less that 75 mln, as she was paid in pounds sterling.

  32. Paul, just knock’em up and leave them…
    The Government will take care of them.
    Loud women always need to work harder, just slap them down economically. Lots of guys help the system… How else is somebody going to keep all those public servants employed.

  33. Heather sounds a lot like Leather…
    No doubt, Paul got a lashing.
    Luckly he can walk away unscathed, most men can’t afford to.
    LOUD women, will get there money in the end.
    Ladies make it a point to tell the man your divorcing
    “You got the gold mine and he’s getting the shaft”!
    They love hearing there one.

  34. I remember reading an interview in the 70’s, it was with the both of them and Paul said something not very nice about Linda and so she says something not very nice about Paul and I remember thinking then that there must be alot of verbal abuse going on in their marriage.

  35. Casonia Logenberry..Kitchen Nightmare Client take advantage of Chef Gordon Good Deads and are full of Fraud and at times! I think he should just walk off and leave them to take care themselves,.Because they are taking advantage of his good deeds. says:

    That woman is Greedy and Blood Sucker a new name and…Pig and that is something that makes me want to Vomit and she is just a Money Mad woman..Happy this woman should be jumping for joy and be on top of the world.. Crazy woman what is she going to do with the money? This woman has more money then Seattle people have together. Is she going to dress in Gold or something or is she going to buy a Diamond Dress or something?

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