Hollywood could be gearing up for the next big divorce. This gay couple has been together a long time and they’ve already started a family. They seem like the picture of happiness. Here’s the surprising part – the LESS famous half of the pair is cheating with a twentysomething midwestern stud! He flies the hot young guy around and puts him up in hotels and sneaks out to see him when he’s not parading around with his “happy gay family.” During Oscar week he spent every spare minute with his muscular paramour.
Whodunit?? Guess who.
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Naw it can’t be a well known musician -see I can write in riddles too…
Neil Patrick Harris or Elton John
J. Travolta and K. Preston?
I think you want us to believe it’s Neil Patrick Harris and his boyfriend, but they aren’t married.
Why does it bother me so much more when I hear of gay marriages failing?
mjm, that is hilarious! Anyway, I’ve heard rumours for the past year about Neil Patrick Harris and his partner, so that would be my guess, but as Mimi says, they’re not technically married. And CoCo, I’m right there with you.
Joe Biden and Barack Obama?
Even though they’re not married, I’m going to say Neil Patrick Harris. Didn’t his lesser-known partner have kids w/ this ex-partner, and then left when those kids were still babies?
CoCo, the reason might be because homosexual men tend to be promcious and free with sex. While on the other hand they can carry the dreaded HIV POSTIVE which can turn into AID’S. So if they might be BI-SEXUAL they can shed it to their wives and get gay people to,to have sex with them.TAKE CARE and do the best you can, My blessings, David
seeking sexual excitement. Bold I know but true,take care and try to help.
Look at Ellen and Rosie as examples…..one minute everything is strap on’s and roses and the next it is back to the full on dyke witch!
These fags can be together as much as they want but in no way should sanctioned marriage be allowed. Just more AIDS spread around!
Another way to promote gays and homosexuals its wrong its against god the bible and nature and morally wrong men should be with women the way it was intented not women with women or men with men, these people are shoving their sins in our face and expect us to say amen and look up to them like Ellen and Elton John and Neil Harris and the rest not me I dont buy into all the crap no one can influence me when something is morally wrong I dont believe people are born gay its because people choose to experiment or because they are easaly brainwashed or seduced by others that its normal to do this.
Elton John and his husband.
I’m a bit late to the party here, but I am guessing it is Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka.