This celebrity split was definitely shocking, but the divorce will be smooth sailing. The reason: the husband knows a scandalous secret about his wife’s respectable family and she is desperately trying to keep it quiet. She will make sure the divorce is amicable because she would be very upset if people found out her father is not what he appears to be: he’s a deeply closeted gay and a bitter man.
Whodunit?? Guess who.
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Souds like Maria and Arnold.
Katy Perry and Russell Brand, duh. Seen her dad? He’s flaming!
Yeah, my first thought was Katy and Russell… wow!
Katy & Brand. What disgusting pig this Russel Brand must be. If this what he does to someone he claimed to have loved, frick, I’d hate to see what he would do to someone he hates. I honk he must be the closeted gay man, as these actions aren’t a straight man’s way!
JLO & Marc Anthony was my first guess. Her parents have been divorced for years and isn’t her dad a Scientologist? That could account for the deep closet and bitterness.
Kathy & Russel I think are more likely. I was shocked when I saw her parents after knowing they were very religious and ministers. He’s not exactly a wallflower.
Russell Brand is nasty. Not with my contacts out and all the tequila in the world.
Seal !